Oxford University Press
Oxford AQA History for GCSE: British Depth Studies c1066-1685
Aaron Wilkes, Tim Williams
Oxford AQA History for GCSE: British Depth Studies c1066-1685
US$ 29.25
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Written by an experienced head of history and an author with examining experience to match the 2016 AQA GCSE History specification, this combined British Depth Studies Book covers the historical environments of each British Depth study, and focuses in depth on the economic, religious, political, social and cultural standpoints of each period.

Front Cover
Title Page
Introduction to the Oxford AQA GCSE History series
Norman England 1066-c1100
Part one: The Normans: conquest and Control
Chapter 1 Causes of the Norman Conquest
Chapter 2 Military aspects
2.4A Historic Environment: The Battle of Hastings
2.5A Historic Environment: Norman castles
Chapter 3 Establishing and maintaining control
Part two: Life under the Normans
Chapter 4 Feudalism and government
Chapter 5 Economic and social changes
Part three: The Norman Church and monasticism
Chapter 6 The Church
6.3 Historic Environment:Norman cathedrals
Chapter 7 Monasticism
How to… analyse interpretations
How to… tackle the Historic Environment question
Medieval England: the reign of Edward I, 1272-1307
Part one: Government, the rights of king and people
Chapter 1 Henry III’s legacy
Chapter 2 The development of government, rights and justice
Part two: Life in Medieval England
Chapter 3 Trade, towns and villages
Chapter 4 Education and learning
Chapter 5 The development of the legal system
Part three: Edward I's Military campaigns in Wales and Scotland
Chapter 6 Medieval warfare, tactics and technology
Chapter 7 The invasion and colonisation of Wales
7.4 Historic Environment: Medieval castles
Chapter 8 Relations with Scotland
8.2A Historic Environment: The Battle of Stirling Bridge
How to… analyse interpretations
How to… tackle the Historic Environment question
Elizabethan England c1568-1603
Part one: Elizabeths court and Parliament
Chapter 1 Elizabeth I and her court
Chapter 2 The difficulties of a female ruler
Part two: Life in Elizabethan times
Chapter 3 A ‘Golden Age’
3.2 Historic Environment: Elizabethan country houses
3.4 Historic Environment: Elizabethan theatres
Chapter 4 The poor
Chapter 5 English sailors
Part three: Troubles at home and abroad
Chapter 6 Religious matters
Chapter 7 Mary, Queen of Scots
Chapter 8 Conflict with Spain
8.3A Historic Environment: The Spanish Armada
How to… analyse interpretations
How to… tackle the Historic Environment question
Restoration England 1660-1685
Part one: Crown, Parliament, plots and court life
Chapter 1 Crown and Parliament
1.6 Historic Environment: Restoration stately houses
Chapter 2 The Catholic question
Chapter 3 Charles II’s court
Part two: Life in Restoration England
Chapter 4 Crisis
Chapter 5 Restoration culture
5.4 Historic Environment: The Royal Observatory Greenwich
Part three: Land trade and war
Chapter 6 Land
Chapter 7 Trade
Chapter 8 War
8.3 Historic Environment: The Dutch raid on the Medway
How to… analyse interpretations
How to… tackle the Historic Environment question
Practice Questions for Paper 2:British Depth Studies
Back Cover
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