Oxford University Press
WJEC Eduqas GCSE English Language: Book 2: Assessment preparation for Component 1 and Component 2
Natalie Simpson, Julie Swain, Michelle Doran, Jill Carter, Annabel Charles, Margaret Graham
WJEC Eduqas GCSE English Language: Book 2: Assessment preparation for Component 1 and Component 2
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Student Book 2 provides guidance and activities, in the context of the Component 1 and Component 2 exam questions, on how to improve reading and writing skills. With the types of texts that students will face in the exams, in-context SPAG support and regular opportunities to monitor progress, this book aims to improve exam performance.

Front Cover
Title Page
Component 1
Section A Reading
Introduction to Component 1,Section A Reading
1 Location of explicit ideasand details
2 Interpretation of ideas and details
3 Looking at language
4 Looking at structure
5 Looking at how writers achieve effects
6 Looking at how writers influence readers
7 Combining a writer’s skills
8 personal/critical evaluation
Section B Writing
Introduction to Component 1,Section B Writing
1 planning to write
2 The first paragraph
3 Developing the narrative
4 An effective ending
5 Writing a narrative
Assessment Criteria for Writing:Component 1,Section B
Component 2
Section A Reading
Introduction to Component 2,Section A Reading
1 Identifying explicit information and ideas
2 Interpreting implicit information and ideas
3 Looking at explicit and implicit information together
4 Combining information from two texts
5 Combining information:putting skills into practice
6 Writer’s craft:language and tone
7 Writer’s craft:language and personal viewpoint
8 Writer’s craft:language and expert opinion
9 Writer’s craft:structure
10 Writer’s craft:achieving effects
11 Writer’s craft:influencing the reader
12 Writer’s craft:combining elements
13 Comparingviews
14 Comparing how writers convey their views
15 Comparing purpose and audience
16 Responding to research
17 thinking around the topic to give a persuasive evaluation
18 Giving an overview
Section B Writing
1 Formal letters
2 Informal writing
3 Report writing
4 Review writing
5 Writing a speech
6 Articles
7 Leaflets
Assessment Criteria for Writing:Component 2,Section B
Sample exam papers
Key Terms Glossary
Back Cover
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