LMH Publishing Limited
PAPA DOC Portrait of a Haitian Tyrant
John Marquis
Biographies & Memoirs
PAPA DOC Portrait of a Haitian Tyrant
US$ 12.99
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Dr. Francois ‘Papa Doc’ Duvalier, former self-appointed President-for-life of Haiti, was the most brutal tyrant of his time. His pervasive secret police, the Tontons Macoute, were literally connoisseurs of terror. For more than three decades, they struck terror into the impoverished people of Haiti, in the most macabre way.

In this outstanding account of Duvalier’s life, the full horror of the Haitian nightmare is laid bare. Disappearances of entire families in the night, public execution of political foes, summary killings of the peasantry and a succession of failed assassinations on Duvalier’s life, provide the theme of a demon-possessed president.

‘Papa Doc’ was the embodiment of evil in the most sinister form. There was voodoo and his own involvement in strange rites, his apparent supernatural powers and reputed immortality. Using voodoo to suppress an entire nation of 7 million souls, ‘Papa Doc’ became the political ogre of the age, a trained country doctor transmuted by power into a sinister killer his people considered indestructible. He exuded this evil image even in his appearance. He dressed always in dark apparel, from top to toe; he appeared funereal promoting death rather than life. His propensity for Machiavellian intrigue and ruthlessness was limitless.

Using a spy trial in Port-au-Prince in 1968 as the foundation of this electrifying tale, the bewitching and terrifying reality of Duvalier’s Haiti, the author reveals a spellbinding account of the macabre regime in one of the world’s most haunted lands.

Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter 1: A Kind of Gentleman
Chapter 2: A Case of Paranoia
Chapter 3: Tried As A Spy
Chapter 4: Death Sentence
Chapter 5: A Tortured Land
Chapter 6: Disciple of Dessalines
Chapter 7: The Road to Power
Chapter 8: The View from Hotel Oloffson
Chapter 9: Magliore
Chapter 10: The Election
Chapter 11: The Chief
Chapter 12: The Enforcers
Chapter 13: Torment
Chapter 14: Chamber of Horrors
Chapter 15: Curfew
Chapter 16: Sick and Tired
Chapter 17: Exodus
Chapter 18: Death of A Strongman
Chapter 19: President-For-Life
Chapter 20: A State of Tension
Chapter 21: The Lion of Judah
Chapter 22: Solider of Fortune
Chapter 23: Death By Firing Squad
Chapter 24: A Raid on The Palace
Chapter 25: A Dictator in Decline
About the Author
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