The University of the West Indies Press
Talking Words: New Essays on the Work of David Dabydeen
Lynne Macedo
Talking Words: New Essays on the Work of David Dabydeen
US$ 9.99
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Part 1. Poetic Reappraisals
1. Cultural Hybridity in David Dabydeen’s Poetry
2. Living Beadless in a Foreign Land: David Dabydeen’s Poetry of Disappearance
3. Fresh Names: Audience, Authenticity and the African Imaginary in Turner and A Harlot’s Progress
Part 2 (Re)reading the Novels
4. Translating The Intended
5. Intertextuality and the “Spatialization” of Reading Conradian Journeys in Dabydeen’s Disappearance
6. David Dabydeen’s A Harlot’s Progress: Re-presenting the Slave Narrative Genre
7. “To Say Profitably”: Dabydeen’s Exoticist Aesthetic
8. Re-scripting Genealogies: Or, On the Purpose of (Re)writing in David Dabydeen’s Our Lady of Demerara
9. “Everything Is Illuminated”: Trauma, Literary Alchemy and Transfiguration in David Dabydeen’s Molly and the Muslim Stick
10. The Magic of Your Making: Magic and Realism in David Dabydeen’s Recent Fiction
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