The University of the West Indies Press
Interrogating Caribbean Masculinities: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses
Rhoda Reddock
Interrogating Caribbean Masculinities: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses
US$ 9.99
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Interrogating Caribbean Masculinities: An Introduction
Part 1. Theorizing Caribbean Masculinities
1. Masculinities in Transition: Gender and the Global Problematique
2. Unmasking Masculinity and Deconstructing Patriarchy: Problems and Possibilities within Feminist Epistemology
3. Power Games and Totalitarian Masculinity in the Dominican Republic
Part 2. Gender Socialization, Educational Performance and Peer Group Relations
4. Boys of the Empire: Elite Education and the Construction of Hegemonic Masculinity in Barbados, 1875–1920
5. Male Privileging and Male “Academic Underperformance” in Jamaica
6. Masculinities, Myths and Educational Underachievement: Jamaica, Barbados, St Vincent and the Grenadines
7. History, (Re)Memory, Testimony and Biomythography: Charting a Buller Man’s Trinidadian Past
Part 3. Class, Ethnicity, Nation and Notions of Masculinity
8. Black Masculinity in Caribbean Slavery
9. Caribbean Masculinity at the Fin de Siècle
10. Globalization, Migration and the Shaping of Masculinity in Belize
Part 4. Popular Culture and Literary Images of Masculinity and Femininity
11. Under Women’s Eyes: Literary Constructs of Afro-Caribbean Masculinity
12. Calling All Dragons: The Crumbling of Caribbean Masculinity
13. I Lawa: The Construction of Masculinity in Trinidad and Tobago Calypso
14. Uniform and Weapon
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