Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader
Ernesto Nelson
Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader
I.—LA CASA Y EL MOBILIARIO Uses of se, de, un, una, uno; Definite and Indefinite Articles to the vocabulary section
II.—LAS CASAS DE COMERCIO[1] Adjectives; cada and todo; Business Vocabulary (except Banking) (to the vocabulary section)
III.—MERCADERÍAS Nouns; Uses of se and de (continued) (to the vocabulary section)
IV.—PASEOS POR EL MAPA Uses of se and lo (continued), por, si, más de, and más que (to the vocabulary section)
V.—EL OBRERO EN LA AMÉRICA LATINA Equivalents of Who and Whom (to the vocabulary section)
VI.—EL EXTRANJERO Y EL CRIOLLO Oficios y Empleos; Negative Forms; Vocabulary relating to Occupations (to the vocabulary section)
VII.—CORRETAJE (to the vocabulary section)
VIII.—DERECHOS DE ADUANA[1] Use of uno y otro, unos y otros; Custom-House Vocabulary (to the vocabulary section)
IX.—LA SALUD Y LA VIDA Vocabulary relating to Public Hygiene (to the vocabulary section)
X.—VAPORES Vocabulary relating to Shipping (to the vocabulary section)
XI.—LA CAZA Y SUS PRODUCTOS Uses of the Preterite Indicative and Imperfect (to the vocabulary section)
XII.—ZONAS DE VEGETACIÓN Physiographical Terms (to the vocabulary section)
XIII.—METALES Vocabulary relating to Mines and Mining (to the vocabulary section)
XIV.—EL CARBÓN,[1] EL PETRÓLEO[2] Y EL GAS NATURAL (to the vocabulary section)
XV.—CAUCHO[1] Y CHICLE (to the vocabulary section)
XVI.—TRIGO Vocabulary relating to Agriculture (to the vocabulary section)
XVII.—MAÍZ (to the vocabulary section)
XVIII.—CACAO (to the vocabulary section)
XIX.—AZÚCAR (to the vocabulary section)
XX.—CAFÉ (to the vocabulary section)
XXI.—TABACO (to the vocabulary section)
XXII.—PRODUCCIÓN Y COMERCIO DE PESCADO (to the vocabulary section)
XXIII.—EL RIEGO Y LA HULLA BLANCA[1] (to the vocabulary section)
XXV.—FRUTAS (to the vocabulary section)
XXVI.—CARNE Y LANA (to the vocabulary section)
XXVII.—POR TELÉFONO (to the vocabulary section)
XXVIII.—TEATRO (to the vocabulary section)
XXIX.—TRANVÍAS ELÉCTRICOS (to the vocabulary section)
XXX.—DEPORTES Y DIVERSIONES (to the vocabulary section)
XXXI.—SOMBRERERÍA CARA Y BARATA (to the vocabulary section)
XXXII.—BANCOS[1] (to the vocabulary section)
XXXV.—NACIONALIDAD (to the vocabulary section)
XXXVI.—EDUCACIÓN (to the vocabulary section)
XXXVII.—¿QUÉ ES LA AMÉRICA LATINA? (to the vocabulary section)
I.—LA CASA Y EL MOBILIARIO Uses of se, de, un, una, uno; Definite and Indefinite Articles to the vocabulary section
II.—LAS CASAS DE COMERCIO[1] Adjectives; cada and todo; Business Vocabulary (except Banking) (to the vocabulary section)
III.—MERCADERÍAS Nouns; Uses of se and de (continued) (to the vocabulary section)
IV.—PASEOS POR EL MAPA Uses of se and lo (continued), por, si, más de, and más que (to the vocabulary section)
V.—EL OBRERO EN LA AMÉRICA LATINA Equivalents of Who and Whom (to the vocabulary section)
VI.—EL EXTRANJERO Y EL CRIOLLO Oficios y Empleos; Negative Forms; Vocabulary relating to Occupations (to the vocabulary section)
VII.—CORRETAJE (to the vocabulary section)
VIII.—DERECHOS DE ADUANA[1] Use of uno y otro, unos y otros; Custom-House Vocabulary (to the vocabulary section)
IX.—LA SALUD Y LA VIDA Vocabulary relating to Public Hygiene (to the vocabulary section)
X.—VAPORES Vocabulary relating to Shipping (to the vocabulary section)
XI.—LA CAZA Y SUS PRODUCTOS Uses of the Preterite Indicative and Imperfect (to the vocabulary section)
XII.—ZONAS DE VEGETACIÓN Physiographical Terms (to the vocabulary section)
XIII.—METALES Vocabulary relating to Mines and Mining (to the vocabulary section)
XIV.—EL CARBÓN,[1] EL PETRÓLEO[2] Y EL GAS NATURAL (to the vocabulary section)
XV.—CAUCHO[1] Y CHICLE (to the vocabulary section)
XVI.—TRIGO Vocabulary relating to Agriculture (to the vocabulary section)
XVII.—MAÍZ (to the vocabulary section)
XVIII.—CACAO (to the vocabulary section)
XIX.—AZÚCAR (to the vocabulary section)
XX.—CAFÉ (to the vocabulary section)
XXI.—TABACO (to the vocabulary section)
XXII.—PRODUCCIÓN Y COMERCIO DE PESCADO (to the vocabulary section)
XXIII.—EL RIEGO Y LA HULLA BLANCA[1] (to the vocabulary section)
XXV.—FRUTAS (to the vocabulary section)
XXVI.—CARNE Y LANA (to the vocabulary section)
XXVII.—POR TELÉFONO (to the vocabulary section)
XXVIII.—TEATRO (to the vocabulary section)
XXIX.—TRANVÍAS ELÉCTRICOS (to the vocabulary section)
XXX.—DEPORTES Y DIVERSIONES (to the vocabulary section)
XXXI.—SOMBRERERÍA CARA Y BARATA (to the vocabulary section)
XXXII.—BANCOS[1] (to the vocabulary section)
XXXV.—NACIONALIDAD (to the vocabulary section)
XXXVI.—EDUCACIÓN (to the vocabulary section)
XXXVII.—¿QUÉ ES LA AMÉRICA LATINA? (to the vocabulary section)
1.—EL ÑANDÚ: AVESTRUZ AMERICANO (to the vocabulary section)
2.—EL COTOPAXI (to the vocabulary section)
3.—EL OMBÚ (to the vocabulary section)
4.—VEGETACIÓN DE LOS ANDES (to the vocabulary section)
5.—EL BOSQUE DE CHAPULTEPEC (to the vocabulary section)
6.—LA SELVA TROPICAL (to the vocabulary section)
7.—EL CÓNDOR (to the vocabulary section)
8.—DESCRIPCIÓN DE VENEZUELA (to the vocabulary section)
9.—LA CALANDRIA: EL RUISEÑOR DE AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
10.—UNA MAÑANA EN LOS ANDES (to the vocabulary section)
11.—PERSONIFICACIÓN DE LAS AVES (to the vocabulary section)
12.—SAN MIGUEL ALLENDE (to the vocabulary section)
13.—LA SELVA MISIONERA (to the vocabulary section)
14.—EL SALTO DEL TEQUENDAMA (to the vocabulary section)
15.—EL QUETZAL (to the vocabulary section)
16.—NAVEGACIÓN EN LOS CANALES DE TIERRA DEL FUEGO (to the vocabulary section)
17.—LAS CAMPIÑAS DEL SUR DE CHILE (to the vocabulary section)
18.—LOS ANDES Y LA PAMPA (to the vocabulary section)
19.—EL ZUM-ZUM (to the vocabulary section)
20.—EL DESIERTO DE ATACAMA (to the vocabulary section)
21.—LA CATARATA DEL IGUAZÚ (to the vocabulary section)
2.—EL COTOPAXI (to the vocabulary section)
3.—EL OMBÚ (to the vocabulary section)
4.—VEGETACIÓN DE LOS ANDES (to the vocabulary section)
5.—EL BOSQUE DE CHAPULTEPEC (to the vocabulary section)
6.—LA SELVA TROPICAL (to the vocabulary section)
7.—EL CÓNDOR (to the vocabulary section)
8.—DESCRIPCIÓN DE VENEZUELA (to the vocabulary section)
9.—LA CALANDRIA: EL RUISEÑOR DE AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
10.—UNA MAÑANA EN LOS ANDES (to the vocabulary section)
11.—PERSONIFICACIÓN DE LAS AVES (to the vocabulary section)
12.—SAN MIGUEL ALLENDE (to the vocabulary section)
13.—LA SELVA MISIONERA (to the vocabulary section)
14.—EL SALTO DEL TEQUENDAMA (to the vocabulary section)
15.—EL QUETZAL (to the vocabulary section)
16.—NAVEGACIÓN EN LOS CANALES DE TIERRA DEL FUEGO (to the vocabulary section)
17.—LAS CAMPIÑAS DEL SUR DE CHILE (to the vocabulary section)
18.—LOS ANDES Y LA PAMPA (to the vocabulary section)
19.—EL ZUM-ZUM (to the vocabulary section)
20.—EL DESIERTO DE ATACAMA (to the vocabulary section)
21.—LA CATARATA DEL IGUAZÚ (to the vocabulary section)
II.—VIDA Y COSTUMBRES (to the vocabulary section)
1.—EL HOGAR PATERNO (to the vocabulary section)
2.—LA TIERRA NATIVA (to the vocabulary section)
3.—EL CABALLO Y SUS ARREOS (to the vocabulary section)
4.—LA TRILLA (to the vocabulary section)
5.—LA PESCA EN LAS ISLAS (to the vocabulary section)
6.—LA CAZA DEL TIGRE (to the vocabulary section)
7.—UNA BODEGA (to the vocabulary section)
8.—EL RODEO Y LA APARTA (to the vocabulary section)
9.—EN EL TRAPICHE (to the vocabulary section)
10.—EN TREN.... (to the vocabulary section)
11.—LA BOLSA (to the vocabulary section)
12.—EN DILIGENCIA (to the vocabulary section)
13.—LA CAZA DE LAS VÁQUIRAS (to the vocabulary section)
14.—EN EL CAFETAL (to the vocabulary section)
15.—EN EL COMITÉ (to the vocabulary section)
16.—VIAJANDO EN BUEY (to the vocabulary section)
17.—EN UN VELORIO (to the vocabulary section)
18.—LA FIESTA DE GUADALUPE[1] (to the vocabulary section)
19.—SUCRE (to the vocabulary section)
20.—EL MATE (to the vocabulary section)
21.—¡A LA CÁRCEL TODO CRISTO![1] (to the vocabulary section)
22.—TERTULIAS (to the vocabulary section)
23.—BOGOTÁ (to the vocabulary section)
24.—EL BAUTIZO (to the vocabulary section)
25.—LOS CARNAVALES[1] DE ANTAÑO (to the vocabulary section)
26.—EL LUTO (to the vocabulary section)
27.—EL BAMBUCO (to the vocabulary section)
28.—EL DÍA DE MUERTOS[1] EN MI PUEBLO (to the vocabulary section)
29.—NOCHES DEL «COLÓN» (to the vocabulary section)
30.—CABALGATA (to the vocabulary section)
31.—LA QUENA[1] (to the vocabulary section)
32.—RECUERDOS DE TIBACUI (to the vocabulary section)
33.—EL PUCHERO Y EL ASADO EN EL PLATA (to the vocabulary section)
34.—EL HOJALATERO (to the vocabulary section)
35.—MI EDUCACIÓN (to the vocabulary section)
36.—EL LLANERO[1] (to the vocabulary section)
37.—LA MUJER HISPANO-AMERICANA (to the vocabulary section)
38.—EL «TRISTE» Y LA «VIDALITA» (to the vocabulary section)
39.—EL GAUCHO[1] (to the vocabulary section)
40.—EL LACHO GUAPETÓN (to the vocabulary section)
1.—EL HOGAR PATERNO (to the vocabulary section)
2.—LA TIERRA NATIVA (to the vocabulary section)
3.—EL CABALLO Y SUS ARREOS (to the vocabulary section)
4.—LA TRILLA (to the vocabulary section)
5.—LA PESCA EN LAS ISLAS (to the vocabulary section)
6.—LA CAZA DEL TIGRE (to the vocabulary section)
7.—UNA BODEGA (to the vocabulary section)
8.—EL RODEO Y LA APARTA (to the vocabulary section)
9.—EN EL TRAPICHE (to the vocabulary section)
10.—EN TREN.... (to the vocabulary section)
11.—LA BOLSA (to the vocabulary section)
12.—EN DILIGENCIA (to the vocabulary section)
13.—LA CAZA DE LAS VÁQUIRAS (to the vocabulary section)
14.—EN EL CAFETAL (to the vocabulary section)
15.—EN EL COMITÉ (to the vocabulary section)
16.—VIAJANDO EN BUEY (to the vocabulary section)
17.—EN UN VELORIO (to the vocabulary section)
18.—LA FIESTA DE GUADALUPE[1] (to the vocabulary section)
19.—SUCRE (to the vocabulary section)
20.—EL MATE (to the vocabulary section)
21.—¡A LA CÁRCEL TODO CRISTO![1] (to the vocabulary section)
22.—TERTULIAS (to the vocabulary section)
23.—BOGOTÁ (to the vocabulary section)
24.—EL BAUTIZO (to the vocabulary section)
25.—LOS CARNAVALES[1] DE ANTAÑO (to the vocabulary section)
26.—EL LUTO (to the vocabulary section)
27.—EL BAMBUCO (to the vocabulary section)
28.—EL DÍA DE MUERTOS[1] EN MI PUEBLO (to the vocabulary section)
29.—NOCHES DEL «COLÓN» (to the vocabulary section)
30.—CABALGATA (to the vocabulary section)
31.—LA QUENA[1] (to the vocabulary section)
32.—RECUERDOS DE TIBACUI (to the vocabulary section)
33.—EL PUCHERO Y EL ASADO EN EL PLATA (to the vocabulary section)
34.—EL HOJALATERO (to the vocabulary section)
35.—MI EDUCACIÓN (to the vocabulary section)
36.—EL LLANERO[1] (to the vocabulary section)
37.—LA MUJER HISPANO-AMERICANA (to the vocabulary section)
38.—EL «TRISTE» Y LA «VIDALITA» (to the vocabulary section)
39.—EL GAUCHO[1] (to the vocabulary section)
40.—EL LACHO GUAPETÓN (to the vocabulary section)
1.—BOLÍVAR[A] (to the vocabulary section)
2.—RETRATO DE SAN MARTÍN[A] (to the vocabulary section)
3.—SAN MARTÍN Y BOLÍVAR (to the vocabulary section)
4.—JOSÉ F. RIVERA[A] (to the vocabulary section)
5.—FRANCISCO BILBAO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
6.—SARMIENTO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
7.—MACEO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
8.—BARTOLOMÉ MITRE[A] (to the vocabulary section)
9.—JOSÉ PEDRO VARELA[A] (to the vocabulary section)
10.—BERNARDINO RIVADAVIA[1] (to the vocabulary section)
11.—JUAN MONTALVO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
12.—JOSÉ MARTÍ[A] (to the vocabulary section)
13.—HIDALGO Y MORELOS (to the vocabulary section)
1.—LOS PRIMEROS PASOS (to the vocabulary section)
2.—EL ROMANTICISMO[1] (to the vocabulary section)
3.—EL REGIONALISMO (to the vocabulary section)
1.—BOLÍVAR[A] (to the vocabulary section)
2.—RETRATO DE SAN MARTÍN[A] (to the vocabulary section)
3.—SAN MARTÍN Y BOLÍVAR (to the vocabulary section)
4.—JOSÉ F. RIVERA[A] (to the vocabulary section)
5.—FRANCISCO BILBAO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
6.—SARMIENTO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
7.—MACEO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
8.—BARTOLOMÉ MITRE[A] (to the vocabulary section)
9.—JOSÉ PEDRO VARELA[A] (to the vocabulary section)
10.—BERNARDINO RIVADAVIA[1] (to the vocabulary section)
11.—JUAN MONTALVO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
12.—JOSÉ MARTÍ[A] (to the vocabulary section)
13.—HIDALGO Y MORELOS (to the vocabulary section)
1.—LOS PRIMEROS PASOS (to the vocabulary section)
2.—EL ROMANTICISMO[1] (to the vocabulary section)
3.—EL REGIONALISMO (to the vocabulary section)
V.—EL IDEAL AMERICANO (to the vocabulary section)
1.—AMBAS AMÉRICAS (to the vocabulary section)
2.—NUESTRA AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
3.—AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
4.—AUGURIOS (to the vocabulary section)
5.—EL PORVENIR DE AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
6.—LA EUROPA EN EL NUEVO MUNDO (to the vocabulary section)
7.—LA INFLUENCIA FRANCESA EN LA AMÉRICA LATINA (to the vocabulary section)
8.—MOSAICO DE PUEBLOS (to the vocabulary section)
9.—LOS EXTRANJEROS EN AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
10.—EL CÁNTARO DE LA DONCELLA (to the vocabulary section)
1.—AMBAS AMÉRICAS (to the vocabulary section)
2.—NUESTRA AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
3.—AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
4.—AUGURIOS (to the vocabulary section)
5.—EL PORVENIR DE AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
6.—LA EUROPA EN EL NUEVO MUNDO (to the vocabulary section)
7.—LA INFLUENCIA FRANCESA EN LA AMÉRICA LATINA (to the vocabulary section)
8.—MOSAICO DE PUEBLOS (to the vocabulary section)
9.—LOS EXTRANJEROS EN AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
10.—EL CÁNTARO DE LA DONCELLA (to the vocabulary section)
VOCABULARY (to the vocabulary section)
1.—EL ÑANDÚ: AVESTRUZ AMERICANO (to the vocabulary section)
2.—EL COTOPAXI (to the vocabulary section)
3.—EL OMBÚ (to the vocabulary section)
4.—VEGETACIÓN DE LOS ANDES (to the vocabulary section)
5.—EL BOSQUE DE CHAPULTEPEC (to the vocabulary section)
6.—LA SELVA TROPICAL (to the vocabulary section)
7.—EL CÓNDOR (to the vocabulary section)
8.—DESCRIPCIÓN DE VENEZUELA (to the vocabulary section)
9.—LA CALANDRIA: EL RUISEÑOR DE AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
10.—UNA MAÑANA EN LOS ANDES (to the vocabulary section)
11.—PERSONIFICACIÓN DE LAS AVES (to the vocabulary section)
12.—SAN MIGUEL ALLENDE (to the vocabulary section)
13.—LA SELVA MISIONERA (to the vocabulary section)
14.—EL SALTO DEL TEQUENDAMA (to the vocabulary section)
15.—EL QUETZAL (to the vocabulary section)
16.—NAVEGACIÓN EN LOS CANALES DE TIERRA DEL FUEGO (to the vocabulary section)
17.—LAS CAMPIÑAS DEL SUR DE CHILE (to the vocabulary section)
18.—LOS ANDES Y LA PAMPA (to the vocabulary section)
19.—EL ZUM-ZUM (to the vocabulary section)
20.—EL DESIERTO DE ATACAMA (to the vocabulary section)
21.—LA CATARATA DEL IGUAZÚ (to the vocabulary section)
2.—EL COTOPAXI (to the vocabulary section)
3.—EL OMBÚ (to the vocabulary section)
4.—VEGETACIÓN DE LOS ANDES (to the vocabulary section)
5.—EL BOSQUE DE CHAPULTEPEC (to the vocabulary section)
6.—LA SELVA TROPICAL (to the vocabulary section)
7.—EL CÓNDOR (to the vocabulary section)
8.—DESCRIPCIÓN DE VENEZUELA (to the vocabulary section)
9.—LA CALANDRIA: EL RUISEÑOR DE AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
10.—UNA MAÑANA EN LOS ANDES (to the vocabulary section)
11.—PERSONIFICACIÓN DE LAS AVES (to the vocabulary section)
12.—SAN MIGUEL ALLENDE (to the vocabulary section)
13.—LA SELVA MISIONERA (to the vocabulary section)
14.—EL SALTO DEL TEQUENDAMA (to the vocabulary section)
15.—EL QUETZAL (to the vocabulary section)
16.—NAVEGACIÓN EN LOS CANALES DE TIERRA DEL FUEGO (to the vocabulary section)
17.—LAS CAMPIÑAS DEL SUR DE CHILE (to the vocabulary section)
18.—LOS ANDES Y LA PAMPA (to the vocabulary section)
19.—EL ZUM-ZUM (to the vocabulary section)
20.—EL DESIERTO DE ATACAMA (to the vocabulary section)
21.—LA CATARATA DEL IGUAZÚ (to the vocabulary section)
II.—VIDA Y COSTUMBRES (to the vocabulary section)
1.—EL HOGAR PATERNO (to the vocabulary section)
2.—LA TIERRA NATIVA (to the vocabulary section)
3.—EL CABALLO Y SUS ARREOS (to the vocabulary section)
4.—LA TRILLA (to the vocabulary section)
5.—LA PESCA EN LAS ISLAS (to the vocabulary section)
6.—LA CAZA DEL TIGRE (to the vocabulary section)
7.—UNA BODEGA (to the vocabulary section)
8.—EL RODEO Y LA APARTA (to the vocabulary section)
9.—EN EL TRAPICHE (to the vocabulary section)
10.—EN TREN.... (to the vocabulary section)
11.—LA BOLSA (to the vocabulary section)
12.—EN DILIGENCIA (to the vocabulary section)
13.—LA CAZA DE LAS VÁQUIRAS (to the vocabulary section)
14.—EN EL CAFETAL (to the vocabulary section)
15.—EN EL COMITÉ (to the vocabulary section)
16.—VIAJANDO EN BUEY (to the vocabulary section)
17.—EN UN VELORIO (to the vocabulary section)
18.—LA FIESTA DE GUADALUPE[1] (to the vocabulary section)
19.—SUCRE (to the vocabulary section)
20.—EL MATE (to the vocabulary section)
21.—¡A LA CÁRCEL TODO CRISTO![1] (to the vocabulary section)
22.—TERTULIAS (to the vocabulary section)
23.—BOGOTÁ (to the vocabulary section)
24.—EL BAUTIZO (to the vocabulary section)
25.—LOS CARNAVALES[1] DE ANTAÑO (to the vocabulary section)
26.—EL LUTO (to the vocabulary section)
27.—EL BAMBUCO (to the vocabulary section)
28.—EL DÍA DE MUERTOS[1] EN MI PUEBLO (to the vocabulary section)
29.—NOCHES DEL «COLÓN» (to the vocabulary section)
30.—CABALGATA (to the vocabulary section)
31.—LA QUENA[1] (to the vocabulary section)
32.—RECUERDOS DE TIBACUI (to the vocabulary section)
33.—EL PUCHERO Y EL ASADO EN EL PLATA (to the vocabulary section)
34.—EL HOJALATERO (to the vocabulary section)
35.—MI EDUCACIÓN (to the vocabulary section)
36.—EL LLANERO[1] (to the vocabulary section)
37.—LA MUJER HISPANO-AMERICANA (to the vocabulary section)
38.—EL «TRISTE» Y LA «VIDALITA» (to the vocabulary section)
39.—EL GAUCHO[1] (to the vocabulary section)
40.—EL LACHO GUAPETÓN (to the vocabulary section)
1.—EL HOGAR PATERNO (to the vocabulary section)
2.—LA TIERRA NATIVA (to the vocabulary section)
3.—EL CABALLO Y SUS ARREOS (to the vocabulary section)
4.—LA TRILLA (to the vocabulary section)
5.—LA PESCA EN LAS ISLAS (to the vocabulary section)
6.—LA CAZA DEL TIGRE (to the vocabulary section)
7.—UNA BODEGA (to the vocabulary section)
8.—EL RODEO Y LA APARTA (to the vocabulary section)
9.—EN EL TRAPICHE (to the vocabulary section)
10.—EN TREN.... (to the vocabulary section)
11.—LA BOLSA (to the vocabulary section)
12.—EN DILIGENCIA (to the vocabulary section)
13.—LA CAZA DE LAS VÁQUIRAS (to the vocabulary section)
14.—EN EL CAFETAL (to the vocabulary section)
15.—EN EL COMITÉ (to the vocabulary section)
16.—VIAJANDO EN BUEY (to the vocabulary section)
17.—EN UN VELORIO (to the vocabulary section)
18.—LA FIESTA DE GUADALUPE[1] (to the vocabulary section)
19.—SUCRE (to the vocabulary section)
20.—EL MATE (to the vocabulary section)
21.—¡A LA CÁRCEL TODO CRISTO![1] (to the vocabulary section)
22.—TERTULIAS (to the vocabulary section)
23.—BOGOTÁ (to the vocabulary section)
24.—EL BAUTIZO (to the vocabulary section)
25.—LOS CARNAVALES[1] DE ANTAÑO (to the vocabulary section)
26.—EL LUTO (to the vocabulary section)
27.—EL BAMBUCO (to the vocabulary section)
28.—EL DÍA DE MUERTOS[1] EN MI PUEBLO (to the vocabulary section)
29.—NOCHES DEL «COLÓN» (to the vocabulary section)
30.—CABALGATA (to the vocabulary section)
31.—LA QUENA[1] (to the vocabulary section)
32.—RECUERDOS DE TIBACUI (to the vocabulary section)
33.—EL PUCHERO Y EL ASADO EN EL PLATA (to the vocabulary section)
34.—EL HOJALATERO (to the vocabulary section)
35.—MI EDUCACIÓN (to the vocabulary section)
36.—EL LLANERO[1] (to the vocabulary section)
37.—LA MUJER HISPANO-AMERICANA (to the vocabulary section)
38.—EL «TRISTE» Y LA «VIDALITA» (to the vocabulary section)
39.—EL GAUCHO[1] (to the vocabulary section)
40.—EL LACHO GUAPETÓN (to the vocabulary section)
1.—BOLÍVAR[A] (to the vocabulary section)
2.—RETRATO DE SAN MARTÍN[A] (to the vocabulary section)
3.—SAN MARTÍN Y BOLÍVAR (to the vocabulary section)
4.—JOSÉ F. RIVERA[A] (to the vocabulary section)
5.—FRANCISCO BILBAO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
6.—SARMIENTO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
7.—MACEO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
8.—BARTOLOMÉ MITRE[A] (to the vocabulary section)
9.—JOSÉ PEDRO VARELA[A] (to the vocabulary section)
10.—BERNARDINO RIVADAVIA[1] (to the vocabulary section)
11.—JUAN MONTALVO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
12.—JOSÉ MARTÍ[A] (to the vocabulary section)
13.—HIDALGO Y MORELOS (to the vocabulary section)
1.—LOS PRIMEROS PASOS (to the vocabulary section)
2.—EL ROMANTICISMO[1] (to the vocabulary section)
3.—EL REGIONALISMO (to the vocabulary section)
1.—BOLÍVAR[A] (to the vocabulary section)
2.—RETRATO DE SAN MARTÍN[A] (to the vocabulary section)
3.—SAN MARTÍN Y BOLÍVAR (to the vocabulary section)
4.—JOSÉ F. RIVERA[A] (to the vocabulary section)
5.—FRANCISCO BILBAO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
6.—SARMIENTO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
7.—MACEO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
8.—BARTOLOMÉ MITRE[A] (to the vocabulary section)
9.—JOSÉ PEDRO VARELA[A] (to the vocabulary section)
10.—BERNARDINO RIVADAVIA[1] (to the vocabulary section)
11.—JUAN MONTALVO[A] (to the vocabulary section)
12.—JOSÉ MARTÍ[A] (to the vocabulary section)
13.—HIDALGO Y MORELOS (to the vocabulary section)
1.—LOS PRIMEROS PASOS (to the vocabulary section)
2.—EL ROMANTICISMO[1] (to the vocabulary section)
3.—EL REGIONALISMO (to the vocabulary section)
V.—EL IDEAL AMERICANO (to the vocabulary section)
1.—AMBAS AMÉRICAS (to the vocabulary section)
2.—NUESTRA AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
3.—AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
4.—AUGURIOS (to the vocabulary section)
5.—EL PORVENIR DE AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
6.—LA EUROPA EN EL NUEVO MUNDO (to the vocabulary section)
7.—LA INFLUENCIA FRANCESA EN LA AMÉRICA LATINA (to the vocabulary section)
8.—MOSAICO DE PUEBLOS (to the vocabulary section)
9.—LOS EXTRANJEROS EN AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
10.—EL CÁNTARO DE LA DONCELLA (to the vocabulary section)
1.—AMBAS AMÉRICAS (to the vocabulary section)
2.—NUESTRA AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
3.—AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
4.—AUGURIOS (to the vocabulary section)
5.—EL PORVENIR DE AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
6.—LA EUROPA EN EL NUEVO MUNDO (to the vocabulary section)
7.—LA INFLUENCIA FRANCESA EN LA AMÉRICA LATINA (to the vocabulary section)
8.—MOSAICO DE PUEBLOS (to the vocabulary section)
9.—LOS EXTRANJEROS EN AMÉRICA (to the vocabulary section)
10.—EL CÁNTARO DE LA DONCELLA (to the vocabulary section)
VOCABULARY (to the vocabulary section)
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