GCSE Religious Studies for Edexcel B (9-1): Religion and Ethics through Christianity and Religion, Peace and Conflict through Islam Revision Guide
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Area of Study 1: Religion and Ethics through Christianity
Chapter 1: Christian Beliefs
1.1 The Trinity
1.2 Creation
1.3 The incarnation
1.4 The last days of Jesus’ life
1.5 Salvation
1.6 Christian eschatology
1.7 The problem of evil
1.8 Divergent solutions to the problem of evil
Exam Practice
Chapter 5: Muslim Beliefs
5.1 The six Beliefs
5.2 The five roots of ’Usul ad-Din
5.3 The nature of Allah
5.4 Risalah
5.5 Muslim holy books
5.6 Malaikah
5.7 Al-Qadr
5.8 Akhirah
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Chapter 2: Marriage and the Family in Christianity
2.1 Marriage
2.2 Sexual relationships
2.3 Families
2.4 Support for the family in the local parish
2.5 Contraception
2.6 Divorce
2.7 Equality of men and women in the family
2.8 Gender prejudice and discrimination
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Chapter 3: Living the Christian Life
3.1 Christian worship
3.2 The sacraments
3.3 Prayer
3.4 Pilgrimage
3.5 Christian celebrations
3.6 The future of the Church
3.7 The local church
3.8 The worldwide Church
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Chapter 4: Matters of Life and Death in Christianity
4.1 Origins and value of the universe
4.2 Sanctity of life
4.3 Origins and value of human life
4.4 Abortion
4.5 Life after death
4.6 Responses to arguments against life after death
4.7 Euthanasia
4.8 Issues in the natural world
Exam Practice
Area of Study 2: Religion, Peace and Conflict through Islam
Chapter 6: Crime and Punishment in Islam
6.1 Justice
6.2 Crime
6.3 Good, evil, and suffering
6.4 Punishment
6.5 Aims of punishment
6.6 Forgiveness
6.7 Treatment of criminals
6.8 The death penalty
Exam Practice
Chapter 7: Living the Muslim Life
7.1 Ten Obligatory Acts
7.2 Shahadah
7.3 Salah
7.4 Sawm
7.5 Zakah and Khums
7.6 Hajj
7.7 Jihad
7.8 Celebrations and commemorations
Exam Practice
Chapter 8: Peace and Conflict in Islam
8.1 Peace
8.2 Peacemaking
8.3 Conflict
8.4 Pacifism
8.5 Just War theory
8.6 Holy war
8.7 Weapons of mass destruction
8.8 Issues surrounding conflict
Exam Practice
Compare and contrast: Christian eschatology and akhirah
Compare and contrast: Christian worship and Salah
Activity answers guidance
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