Reframing Singapore
Table of Contents
List of Tables
1. Introduction
2. From Political Rhetoric to National History: Bi-Culturalism and Hybridisation in the Construction of Singapore’s Historical Narrative
3. Gateway and Panopticon: Singapore and Surviving Regime Change in the Nineteenth Century Malay World
4. Beyond the Rhetoric of Communalism: Violence and the Process of Reconciliation in 1950s Singapore
5. The Politics of Fires in Post-1950s Singapore and the Making of the Modernist Nation-State
6. Gender and Discipline in ‘The Singapore Story’: The Female Chinese Factory Workers in Perspective, c. 1980-c. 1990
7. Textualising the Baba Identity: Insights into the Making of a Bibliography
8. Negotiating Identities, Affiliations and Interests: The Many Lives of Han Wai Toon, an Overseas Chinese
9. Singaporean First: Challenging the Concept of Transnational Malay Masculinity
10. Trans-National Biographies and Trans-National Habiti: The Case of Chinese-Singaporeans in Hong Kong
11. Indian Media and the Lure of ‘Uniquely Singapore’
12. Localising the Global and Globalising the Local: The Global Households of Filipina Trans-Migrant Workers and Their Singapore Employers
13. Raffles Hotel Singapore: Advertising, Consumption and Romance
14. The Role of Recruitment Agencies for Japanese Working Women in Singapore
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