The Family in Question
R. D. Grillo
Politics & Social Sciences
The Family in Question

The family lives of immigrants and ethnic minority populations have become central to arguments about the right and wrong ways of living in multicultural societies. While the characteristic cultural practices of such families have long been scrutinized by the media and policy makers, these groups themselves are beginning to reflect on how to manage their family relationships. Exploring case studies from Austria, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Australia, The Family in Question explores how those in public policy often dangerously reflect the popular imagination, rather than recognizing the complex changes taking place within the global immigrant community.

In hoeverre allochtonen vrij zijn hun cultuur te uiten in de multiculturele samenleving staat bijna dagelijks ter discussie in de media en politiek. Vaak wordt vergeten dat ook migrantenfamilies zelf worstelen om hun tradities en gebruiken vorm te geven in een pluriforme samenleving waarin relaties met familie zeer complex kunnen zijn. In The Family Question worden migrantenfamilies in onder andere Nederland, Oostenrijk en Noorwegen onderzocht. Hieruit blijkt dat spelers op het vlak van beleidsvorming vaak toegeven aan populaire misverstanden over allochtonen en zo bijdragen aan de heersende xenofobie en stereotypering van immigranten.

Table of Contents
1. The Family in Dispute: Insiders and Outsiders
2. Inside and Outside: Contrasting Perspectives on the Dynamics of Kinship and Marriage in Contemporary South Asian Transnational Networks
3. 'For Women and Children!' The Family and Immigration Politics in Scandinavia
4. Defining 'Family' and Bringing It Together: The Ins and Outs of Family Reunification in Portugal
5. Debating Cultural Difference: Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Islam and Women
6. Family Dynamics, Uses of Religion and Inter-Ethnic Relations within the Portuguese Cultural Ecology
7. The Dream of Family: Muslim Migrants in Austria
8. Who Cares? 'External', 'Internal' and 'Mediator' Debates about South Asian Elders' Needs
9. Italian Families in Switzerland: Sites of Belonging or 'Golden Cages'? Perceptions and Discourses inside and outside the Migrant Family
10. Dealing with 'That Thing; : Female Circumcision and Sierra Leonean Refugee Girls in the UK
11. Socio-Cultural Dynamics in Intermarriage in Spain: Beyond Simplistic Notions of Hybridity
12. Debating Culture across Distance: Transnational Families and the Obligation to Care
Notes and Contributors
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