Looking for Loopholes
Joanne Leun van der
Politics & Social Sciences
Looking for Loopholes

Looking for Loopholes, Processes of incorporation of illegal immigrants in the Netherlands offers a detailed account of how illegal immigrants, who are legally excluded, manage to incorporate into Dutch society. By combining the perspectives of immigrants on the one hand and of those who have to implement the 'discouragement policy' on the other hand, the study shows how tensions between restrictive rules and day-to-day practices are growing. Based on long-term research in the four largest cities in the Netherlands, attention is paid to the role of informal employment and criminal involvement and to practices in the fields of education, housing, health-care and police surveillance.

Illegale immigranten, afgewezen voor een verblijfsvergunning, lukt het om te integreren in de Nederlandse maatschappij. Looking for Loopholes geeft een gedetailleerde beschrijving van de manier waarop dat gebeurt. Het perspectief van de immigranten wordt gecombineerd met dat van diegenen die het 'ontmoedigingsbeleid' moeten invoeren. Hierdoor laat het onderzoek duidelijk zien hoe de spanningen tussen restrictieve regels en de praktijk van alledag toenemen. De studie, gebaseerd op langetermijnonderzoek in de vier grootste steden van Nederland, besteedt zowel aandacht aan de rol van 'zwart werken' en betrokkenheid bij criminele activiteiten als aan de gang van zaken op het gebied van onderwijs, huisvesting, gezondheidszorg en politietoezicht. "Een belangwekkende studie over het vraagstuk van illegaliteit en de problematiek van de beleidsuitvoering" Openbaar Bestuur, 2004

1 Incorporation of illegal immigrants and 'internal migration control'
1.1 Setting of the scene
1.2 Immigration to the Netherlands
1.3 Definitions of illegality
1.4 Theories on migration and in corporation
1.5 The labour market dimension
1.6 The policy dimension
1.7 Research questions
1.8 Methods and sources
2 Loopholes in the labour market: informal employment
2.1 Introduction: informalisation
2.2 State regulation and opportunities
2.3 Employment of illegal immigrants in Rotterdam
2.4 Making a living and moving up the ladder
2.5 Conclusions
3 Crime as alternative option: illicit employment
3.1 Crime
3.2 The illegality - criminality nexus
3.3 Differential opportunity structures
3.4 Data and definitions
3.5 Apprehensions of illegal immigrants
3.6 North African immigrants in the drug economy
3.7 Conclusions
4 Internal surveillance in practice: the police
4.1 Internal surveillance
4.2 Police officers as street-level bureaucrats
4.3 The organisational context
4.4 Appre hension practices
4.5 Expulsion practices
4.6 Conclusions
5 Close encounters with the welfare state: limits of the Linking Act
5.1 Illegal immigrants and welfare state provisions
5.2 Close encounters with the welfare state
5.3 Human Service Organisations
5.4 The introduction of the Linking Act
5.5 Practices prior to the Linking Act
5.6 After the Linking Act: old and new dilemmas
5.7 Conclusions
6 Summary and conclusions. Legal limits to incorporation, social limits to internal control
6.1 Incorporation and implementation
6.2 Legal limits to incorporation
6.3 Social limits to internal control
6.4 Policy implications and policy options
1. Interviews with illegal immigrants in Rotterdam
2. Police files
3. Interviews with police officers
4. Interviews in other sectors
Newspaper articles
Index of names
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