The Corporate Blog as an Emerging Genre of Computer-mediated Communication
Cornelius Puschmann
The Corporate Blog as an Emerging Genre of Computer-mediated Communication

Digital technology is increasingly impacting how we keep informed, how we communicate professionally and privately, and how we initiate and maintain relationships with others. The function and meaning of new forms of computer-mediated communication (CMC) is not always clear to users on the onset and must be negotiated by communities, institutions and individuals alike. Are chatrooms and virtual environments suitable for business communication? Is email increasingly a channel for work-related, formal communication and thus "for old people", as especially young Internet users flock to Social Networking Sites (SNSs)? Cornelius Puschmann examines the linguistic and rhetorical properties of the weblog, another relatively young genre of CMC, to determine its function in private and professional (business) communication. He approaches the question of what functions blogs realize for authors and readers and argues that corporate blogs, which, like blogs by private individuals, are a highly diverse in terms of their form, function and intended audience, essentially mimic key characteristics of private blogs in order to appear open, non-persuasive and personal, all essential qualities for companies that wish to make a positive impression on their constituents.

The corporate blog as an emerging genre of computer-mediated communication: features, constraints, discourse situation
``Wait, what's a corporate blog?''
Issues of definition
Methods, data and approach
Preliminary theoretical considerations
Aims and scope
Structure of this thesis
Formal, technical and pragmatic aspects of blogging
Proposing a hierarchy of community, purpose and text
A classification of blogs following Herring
Medium factors
M1: Synchronicity
M2: Message transmission
M3: Persistence of transcript
M4: Size of message buffer
M5: Channels of communication
M6: Anonymous messaging
M7: Private messaging
M8: Filtering
M9: Quoting
M10: Message format
Situation factors
S1: Participation structure
S2: Participant characteristics
S3: Purpose
S4: Topic or theme
S5: Tone
S6: Activity
Users and uses of private blogs
Update others on activities and whereabouts
Express opinions and influence others
Seek others' opinion and feedback
Thinking by writing
Release emotional tension
Blogs and the organization of time
The blog as a virtual discourse situation
Canonical software features of blog publishing tools
Chronology in data and discourse
Blog macrostructure
Blog microstructure
Self-directed discourse and the deictic center
Audience design
Audience scope
Ego blogging
Topic blogging
Differences in function and intended audience
Audience mismatch
Conversational maxims, relevance and politeness in blogs
The corporate blog as an emerging genre
Aspects of organizational communication
Issues of corporate communications on the Internet
Origins of corporate blogging
Perceived advantages of corporate blogging
A typology of corporate blog subgenres
Product blogs
Image blogs
Executive blogs
Employee blogs / blog hubs
A comparison of private and corporate blogs
Pragmatic aspects of corporate blogs
Linguistic aspects of corporate blogs
Corporate blogging case studies
One Louder (Microsoft)
Jonathan's Blog (Sun Microsystems)
CBC/Corporati corpus statistics
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