Oxford University Press
Way of the Waves
Janina Ramirez
Way of the Waves
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Join young investigator and shield maiden Alva as she goes a-viking around the medieval world in search of adventure!

Alva clings to her sleeping wolf as the Viking longship pitches and rolls over the North Sea's crashing waves. Soon she will reveal herself as a secret stowaway, but only when there's no chance of turning back. This is her opportunity to put her shield maiden spirit to the test - exploring strange new lands, solving mysteries, and most importantly finding her father . . .

The Moon’s Wheel
Horse of the Mountains of the Swans
The Fish Field
The Heart of the Earth
Wide Awning of the Cloud Halls
Fair Jewel of the High Storm-House
Terrifying Lord of Princes
Servants of the Son of Mary
Diminisher of Falsehoods
Timber-Fast Boat of the Building Plot
Bold Enjoyer of the Glory
The Highest Mind-Board
Rowing of Wind-Oars
Of the Seaweed of the Hill-Slope
Of the Stream of the Land of the Snowdrift of the Earth
Hall of the Sun’s Stronghold
Beautifully Dressed Oak of Riches
People of the Moon’s Path
A Slayer of Life’s Duration
Drink of the Volsungar
The Roof-Ridge of the Temple of the Ground
Punisher of Discord, Nourisher of Wisdom
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