European Immigrations
Marek Okólski
Politics & Social Sciences
European Immigrations

This book makes an essential contribution to understanding the dynamics of contemporary immigrant inflows and integration in Europe. Though embracing a Continent-wide outlook on migration processes, it accounts, in particular, for Southern and Eastern European perspectives. This is accomplished by analysing the long-term transition countries undergo from net emigration to net immigration, as well as developments in their migrant inflows, integration and policy. Balance is achieved between describing the common European experience and the intra- and inter-regional differences characterising migration’s underlying factors and trends.This volume is one of few attempts to conceive of the ‘Old Continent’ as a common economic and cultural space that fully incorporates its eastern part, while still viewing post-enlargement Europe as an area that – despite nation-specific histories – maintains a high degree of social and political coherence.The book is very comprehensive, with deep insights into aspects of immigration throughout different periods and changing socio-economic environments. Contents come from new empirical evidence, specially designed and collected. A great asset is the mix of authors, representing several academic centres across Europe yet pursuing a common vision of European migration, past, present and future.

Dit boek analyseert de instroom en integratie van immigranten in Europa, waarbij alle aspecten van de immigratie gedurende uiteenlopende perioden en in veranderende sociaaleconomische omstandigheden aan bod komen. Daarbij wordt Europa beschouwd als één economische en culturele entiteit, met een grote mate van onderlinge sociale en politieke samenhang. De auteur heeft echter ook oog voor de regionale verschillen die bepalend zijn voor de onderliggende factoren en trends.

European Immigrations
Table of Contents
1 Transition from emigration to immigration Is it the destiny of modern European countries?
2 Early starters and latecomers Comparing countries of immigration and immigration regimes in Europe
3 ‘Old’ immigration countries in Europe The concept and empirical examples
4 Migration transitions in an era of liquid migration Reflections on Fassmann and Reeger
5 Immigrants, markets and policies in Southern Europe The making of an immigration model?
6 The Southern European ‘model of immigration’ A sceptical view
7 Framing the Iberian model of labour migration Employment exploitation, de facto deregulation and formal compensation
8 Patterns of immigration in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland A comparative perspective
9 An uncertain future of immigration in Europe Insights from expert-based stochastic forecasts forselected countries
10 Comments on ‘An uncertain future of immigration in Europe’ by Wis´niowski et al.
11 Migration policy matters A comparative analysis of policy recommendations
12 The evolving area of freedom, security and justice Taking stock and thinking ahead
Europe, a continent of immigrants A conclusion
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