Ester Boserup’s Legacy on Sustainability
Marina Fischer-Kowalski
Ester Boserup’s Legacy on Sustainability

Arising from a scientific conference marking the 100th anniversary of her birth, this book honors the life and work of the social scientist and diplomat Ester Boserup, who blazed new trails in her interdisciplinary approach to development and sustainability. The contents are organized in three sections reflecting important focal points of Boserup’s own work: Long-Term Socio-Ecological Change; Agriculture, Land Use, and Development; and Gender, Population, and Economy. The diversity of the contributions to this book highlights the continuing impact of Ester Boserup’s work on scientific research today, and its likely influence on research for years to come.

Aus einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz zu ihrem 100. Geburtstag heraus entstanden, ehrt dieses Buch das Leben und die Arbeit der Sozialwissenschaftlerin und Diplomatin Ester Boserup, die neue Wege in der interdisziplinären Nachhaltigkeits- und Entwicklungsforschung beschritt. Der Inhalt ist in drei Abschnitte gegliedert, in denen sich die Brennpunkte Boserups Arbeit widerspiegeln: langfristiger sozial-ökologischer Wandel; Landwirtschaft, Landnutzung und Entwicklung; und Gender, Bevölkerung und Wirtschaft. Die Vielfalt der Beiträge streicht die andauernde Bedeutung der Arbeit Ester Boserups für heutige und zukünftige wissenschaftliche Arbeit hervor.

About the Authors
List of Figures
List of Tables
Part I Ester Boserup's Intellectual Heritage
Chapter 1 Ester Boserup: An Interdisciplinary Visionary Relevant for Sustainability
1.1 Background
1.2 Agricultural Change
1.3 Women in Development
1.4 Appreciating an Innovative Scholar
Chapter 2“Finding Out Is My Life”: Conversationswith Ester Boserup in the 1990s
2.1 Conversations
2.2 An Analytical Framework for Development Theory
2.3 Selected Applications
2.4 Boserup in Self-Perception
2.5 Conclusion
Chapter 3 Boserup's Theory on Technological Change as a Point of Departure for the Theory of Sociometabolic Regime Transitions
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Boserup's Main Theoretical Propositions, and her Efforts at an Empirical Proof
3.3 Understanding Qualitative Change: Sociometabolic Regimes
3.3.1 The Green Revolution
3.4 Examples of Later Research Findings that Could Have Been Anticipated from Boserup's Theory
3.4.1 Example 1: On the Non-Linearity Between Population and Land Requirement
3.4.2 Example 2: Generalizing the Thesis of Non-Linearity to Other Resources
3.4.3 Example 3: On the Role of Development and Population Density in Driving Resource Use
3.5 Conclusion
Part II Land Use, Technology and Agriculture
Chapter 4 The Dwindling Role of Population Pressure in Land Use Change---a Case from the South West Pacific
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Our Theoretical and Conceptual Lenses
4.2.1 Agricultural Intensification and Innovation
4.2.2 A Diagrammatic Heuristic
4.3 Land Use and Population Change on Bellona
4.3.1 Changing Population Pressure
4.3.2 Land Use Dynamics
4.3.3 Land use change seen through a theoretical lens
4.4 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Conceptual and Empirical Approaches to Mapping and Quantifying Land-Use Intensity
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Boserup's Notion of Land-Use Intensification
5.3 Measuring Land-Use Intensity
5.3.1 The Technical Efficiency Approach
5.3.2 The -Factor
5.3.3 Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production
5.3.4 Global Patterns of Land-Use Intensity Derived Using the Three Approaches
5.4 Comparison of the Three Approaches
5.4.1 Conceptual Differences
5.4.2 Spatial Patterns of Land-Use Intensity
5.5 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Malthusian Assumptions, Boserupian Response in Transition to Agriculture Models
6.1 Transitions to Agriculture
6.2 Models of Population, Production, and Innovation
6.3 A Combined Model and ``Real'' World Application
6.4 Innovation in Transitions to Agriculture
6.5 Conclusion
Appendix: The Reduced GLUES Model
Chapter 7 Reconciling Boserup with Malthus: Agrarian Change and Soil Degradation in Olive Orchards in Spain (1750--2000)
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Case Study in the Mountains of Southern Spain
7.3 From a Pastoral System to a Specialisation in Olive Production
7.3.1 Agrarian Change in Preindustrial Agriculture
7.3.2 Specialisation in Olive Growing and the Major Transformation of the twentieth Century
7.4 The Impacts of Agrarian Change: The Problems of Soil Erosion and Soil Fertility
7.4.1 Managing Land Fertility
7.4.2 Soil Erosion in Olive Orchards: A Long-Term Perspective
7.5 Conclusion: A Sociometabolic Approach to Agrarian Intensification and Soil Degradation
Chapter 8 Beyond Boserup: The Role of Working Time in Agricultural Development
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Theoretical Assumptions, Concepts and Methods
8.2.1 Returning to Boserup and Introducing Sociometabolic Concepts
8.2.2 Human Time as a Biophysical Resource Labour Time Studies Revisited
8.3 Description of the Cases
8.3.1 Introducing Trinket, Campo Bello, Sabawas, and Nalang
8.3.2 Methods of Data Collection on Time Use
8.4 Findings
8.4.1 Land and Labour Productivity
8.4.2 Overall Labour Time Investment in the Different Communities Gender Differences in Labour Time The Contribution of Children to Labour Time
8.5 Conclusions
Part III Population and Gender
Chapter 9 Following Boserup's Traces: From Invisibility to Informalisation of Women's Economy to Engendering Development in Translocal Spaces
9.1 Introduction: Reconceptualisations
9.2 Following Ester Boserup's Traces
9.3 Processes of Gendered Structuration and Informalisation
9.4 Gendered Embeddedness of the Economy
9.5 Food and Social Security, Natural Resource Entitlements
9.6 Producing Knowledge and Negotiating Development in Translocal Gendered Spaces
9.7 Conclusion: From Women's Roles to Engendering Development
Chapter 10 Daughters of the Hills: Gendered Agricultural Production, Modernisation, and Declining Child Sex Ratios in the Indian Central Himalayas
10.1 Contrasting Case Studies
10.2 Uttarakhand---Dominated by Female Farming Systems
10.3 Low CSR---Bin Block, Pithoragarh Tehsil
10.4 High CSR---Mori Block, Puraula Tehsil
10.5 Discussion and Conclusion
Chapter 11 Revisiting Boserup's Hypotheses in the Context of Africa
11.1 Introduction
11.2 The Status of African Women from the Pre-Colonial Era to the Post-Colonial Era
11.3 The Role of African Women in Food Production and Agriculture
11.4 Women's Lack of Control over the Means of Production
11.5 Are Human Development, Economic Growth, and the Status of Females Interrelated?
11.6 Fertility Transition in Africa
11.7 Conclusions: The Relevance of Boserup's Theories in Twenty-first Century Africa
Chapter 12 An Interpretation of Large-Scale Land Deals Using Boserup's Theories of Agricultural Intensification, Gender and Rural Development
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Boserup on Agricultural Intensification
12.3 Background on Large-Scale Land Deals
12.4 Large-Scale Land Deals as a Contemporary Example of Agricultural Intensification
12.5 Boserup, Gender and the Large-Scale Land Deal Debate
12.6 Integrating Gender into the Large-Scale Land Deal Debate
12.7 Conclusions
Chapter 13 Labour Migration and Gendered Agricultural Asset Shifts in Southeastern Mexico: Two Stories of Farming Wives and Daughters
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Labour Migration, Gender, and Productive Assets: A Review of the Literature
13.3 Methods
13.4 Husbands' Migration and Wives' Land Assets
13.5 Daughters' Migration and Daughters' Land and Cattle Assets
13.6 Conclusions
Chapter 14 Working Time of Farm Women and Small-Scale Sustainable Farming in Austria
14.1 Why Link to Boserup's Approach?
14.2 The ``GenderGAP'' Project---An Austrian Case Study
14.3 Sustainability Research, Gender Issues and Quality of Life
14.3.1 The Sustainability Triangle
14.3.2 Time-Use Approach as a Means for Analysing Changes in Gender Relations
14.3.3 Quality of Life: Time Use as a Bridging Concept Between Sustainability and Social Issues
14.4 Agent-Based, Participatory Modelling and Scenario Results
14.4.1 Agent-Based Model of Two Villages
14.4.2 Participatory Modelling
14.4.3 Building Scenarios and Model Results
14.5 Sustainable Agriculture in Austria in Light of Ester Boserup
Chapter 15 A Human Ecological Approach to Ester Boserup: Steps Towards Engendering Agriculture and Rural Development
15.1 Making Women Visible
15.2 The International Recognition of Women and Gender in Development
15.3 Rural Gender and Women's Studies
15.4 Criticism of Boserup and Her Terminology
15.5 Gender Order Rather than Women's Role
15.6 What is ``Natural'' About Nature?
15.7 A Human Ecological Approach to Boserup
15.7.1 Duncan's Ecological Complex
15.8 Conclusions
Chapter 16 Conclusions: Re-Evaluating Boserup in the Light of the Contributions to this Volume
16.1 In What Ways Did Ester Boserup's Work Influencethe Research Agenda of the Contributors to this Volume?
16.1.1 Population Growth Leading into a Malthusian Trap or to Productive Innovations?
16.1.2 Land Use Intensification and its Drivers
16.1.3 Labour Time and Labour Productivity
16.1.4 Genderizing Development
16.2 In What Respects Does the Research Presented in this Volume Transgress, or Even Contradict, Boserup's Work?
ERRATUM “Finding Out Is My Life”: Conversations with Ester Boserup in the 1990s
ERRATUM Ester Boserup’s Legacy on Sustainability
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