Grammaticalization in the North: Noun phrase morphosyntax in Scandinavian vernaculars
Östen Dahl
Grammaticalization in the North: Noun phrase morphosyntax in Scandinavian vernaculars

This book looks at some phenomena within the grammar of the noun phrase in a group of traditional North Germanic varieties mainly spoken in Sweden and Finland, usually seen as Swedish dialects, although the differences between them and Standard Swedish are often larger than between the latter and the other standard Mainland Scandinavian languages. In addition to being conservative in many respects – e.g. in preserving nominal cases and subject-verb agreement – these varieties also display many innovative features. These include extended uses of definite articles, incorporation of attributive adjectives, and a variety of possessive constructions. Although considerable attention has been given to these phenomena in earlier literature, this book is the first to put them in the perspective of typology and grammaticalization processes. It also looks for a plausible account of the historical origin of the changes involved, arguing that many of them spread from central Sweden, where they were later reverted due to the influence from prestige varieties coming from southern Scandinavia.

Abbreviations in glosses
Common symbols in vernacular examples
What this book is about
Remarks on methodology
Dialectological literature
Published and archived texts
The Cat Corpus
Informant work and participant observation
Remark on notation
Peripheral Swedish: Geographic, historical and linguistic background
Administrative, historical and dialectological divisions
Linguistic situation
lan]ScandinavianScandinavian in general
Trans-Baltic Swedish
The expansion of the definite forms
Extended definites in the literature
Grammaticalization of definites from a typological perspective
Definite marking in lan]ScandinavianScandinavian in general
Neutralization of the definite-indefinite distinction
Some notes on the sbj]morphologymorphology of definiteness in Scandinavian
Generic and citation uses
Generic uses
Citation uses
Non-delimited uses
Areal distribution of non-delimited uses
The northern core area
The southern core area (Ovansiljan)
Attestations outside the core areas
Attestations of sbj]non-delimited usesnon-delimited uses from earlier periods
Typological parallels
Uses with quantifiers
Areal distribution of uses with quantifiers
Attestations from earlier periods
Datives after quantifiers
Definites after sbj]quantifiersquantifiers: Summing up
Singular count uses
Instrumental prepositional phrases
“Det var kvällen”
Various minor patterns
Measure phrases
Preproprial articles
Postadjectival articles
Summary of geographical distribution of extended uses
Some earlier attempts to explain the extended uses of definite forms
Holmberg & Sandström
Extended uses of definite forms – a lan]Fenno-UgricFenno-Ugric substrate?
Reconstructing the sbj]grammaticalizationgrammaticalization path
Attributive constructions
Definite marking in sbj]attributive constructionsattributive constructions: The typological perspective
Survey of attributive definite NP constructions
The deprecated standard: The lan]ScandinavianScandinavian preposed article
The celebrated competitor: Adjective incorporation
The obscurer alternatives
Non-incorporated modifiers without preposed articles but with definite head nouns
Non-standard preposed articles
Distribution of attributive definite NP constructions
Definiteness marking in special contexts
Competition between constructions: A case study
Definite suffixes on adjectives
“Absolute positives”
Possessive constructions
General background
S-genitive: Old and new
Definite in s-genitives
Constructions with the dative
The plain dative possessive
The complex dative possessive
Prepositional constructions
Possessor incorporation
Pronominal possession
Concluding discussion: The evolution of sbj]possessive constructionspossessive constructions in the Peripheral Swedish area
The rise of Peripheral Swedish: Reconstructing a plausible scenario
Pushed-back innovations in the pronoun system
H- and d-pronouns
Adnominal h-pronouns
Independent hä
Demonstratives of the hissin type
Generic pronouns
Hesselman’s “lan]Birka SwedishBirka Swedish” theory
Lexical innovations in the Peripheral Swedish area
Conservative features of the Peripheral Swedish area
Infinitive constructions
Temporal subjunctions
Lexical items
The conservativity and innovativity indices
Notes on the historical background
Medieval Sweden
Concluding discussion
Appendix A: Quotations from older texts
Some cases of extended uses of definite articles in Written Medieval Swedish
The presumed oldest attestation of an extended use of a definite article in Dalecarlian
A medieval Norwegian text demonstrating the use of sbj]preproprial articlespreproprial articles (Diplomatarium Norvegicum XVI:94)
Appendix B: Text sources
Name index
Language index
Subject index
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