Oxford University Press
Oxford AQA GCSE History (9-1): Britain: Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day Student Book Second Edition ebook
Aaron Wilkes, Kevin Newman
Oxford AQA GCSE History (9-1): Britain: Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day Student Book Second Edition ebook
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This Second Edition of Britain: Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day Student Book is part of the Oxford AQA GCSE 9-1 History series. Updated as part of our commitment to the inclusive presentation of diverse histories and to reflect the world around us, this textbook covers exactly what your students require to succeed in the AQA exams.
Developed by an expert team led by an experienced head of history and an author with senior examining experience, this revised textbook covers the story of migration in Britain and its relationship with the wider world, and considers the causes, impact and legacy of empire upon the ruled and the ruling. It includes the history of Vikings and Anglo-Saxons, migrants to and from Britain, and Britain's relationship with Empire and with Europe. Carefully selected Sources allow students the opportunity to analyse and evaluate primary sources in context. Practice Questions and Study Tips help students prepare for the new AQA exam questions, and features such as Extension, Over to you and How to provide step-by-step explanations of how to put into practice essential history skills such as analysing sources or essay writing.
Perfect for use alongside the Revision Guide or with Kerboodle.

Introduction to the Oxford AQA GCSE History series
Part one: Conquered and conquerors
Chapter 1: Invasion
1.1 Why did the Vikings invade Britain?
1.2 What was ‘Great’ about King Alfred of Wessex?
1.3A Cnut, Emma and the North Sea Empire
1.3B Cnut, Emma and the North Sea Empire
Chapter 4: Sugar and the Caribbean
4.1 Why did Tudor and Stuart explorers look west?
4.2 Why was piracy replaced by plantations?
4.3 The impact of the slave trade on Britain
Chapter 7: Expansion in India
7.1A How and why did Britain gain control of India?
7.1B How and why did Britain gain control of India?
7.2A The Indian Rebellion of 1857
7.2B The Indian Rebellion of 1857
7.3A What was the impact of empire on Britain and India?
7.3B What was the impact of empire on Britain and India?
Chapter 2: A Norman Kingdom and 'Angevin' Empire
2.1 A Norman Kingdom
2.2 Henry II and the ‘Angevin’ Empire
2.3 Why did the ‘Angevin’ Empire collapse under King John?
Chapter 3: The birth of English identity
3.1 The Hundred Years War
3.2A The impact of the Hundred Years War
3.2B The impact of the Hundred Years War
Part two: Looking west
Chapter 5: Colonisation in North America
5.1A British colonies in America
5.1B British colonies in America
5.2 Why did the British fall out with the American colonists?
5.3 What did losing the American colonies 'cost'?
Chapter 6: Migrants to and from Britain
6.1 The first ‘refugees’ Huguenot migration
6.2 What were the Ulster Plantations and the Highland Clearances?
Part three: Expansion and empire
Chapter 8: Expansion in Africa
8.1 The scramble for Africa
8.2 Why is Cecil Rhodes such a controversial figure?
8.3 Why did Britain get involved in Egypt?
8.4A The Boer War of 1899–1902
8.4B The Boer War of 1899–1902
8.5 Celebrating the British Empire
Chapter 9: Migrants to, from and within Britain
9.1 Irish migration to Britain
9.2 Jewish migration to Britain
9.3A People on the move in nineteenth-century Britain
9.3B People on the move in nineteenth-century Britain
Part four: Britain in the twentieth century
Chapter 10: The end of the British Empire
10.1A How and why did the British Empire end?
10.1B How and why did the British Empire end?
Chapter 11: The legacy of the British Empire
11.1 Why did immigrants come to Britain after the Second World War?
11.2A Empire Windrush and the Caribbean migrants
11.2B Empire Windrush and the Caribbean migrants
11.3 What was the significance of the Falklands War?
Chapter 12: Britain’s relationship with Europe
12.1 What is Britain’s relationship with Europe?
12.2 Migration in Europe
How to… analyse significance
How to… analyse sources
How to… compare similarities
How to… evaluate main factors
Practice Questions for Migration, Empire and the People
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