Barchester Towers
I: Who Will Be the New Bishop?
II: Hiram’s Hospital According to Act of Parliament
III: Dr. and Mrs. Proudie
IV: The Bishop’s Chaplain
V: A Morning Visit
VI: War
VII: The Dean and Chapter Take Counsel
VIII: The Ex-Warden Rejoices in His Probable Return to the Hospital
IX: The Stanhope Family
X: Mrs. Proudie’s Reception—Commenced
XI: Mrs. Proudie’s Reception—Concluded
XII: Slope Versus Harding
XIII: The Rubbish Cart
XIV: The New Champion
XV: The Widow’s Suitors
XVI: Baby Worship
XVII: Who Shall Be Cock of the Walk?
XVIII: The Widow’s Persecution
XIX: Barchester by Moonlight
XX: Mr. Arabin
XXI: St. Ewold’s Parsonage
XXII: The Thornes of Ullathorne
XXIII: Mr. Arabin Reads Himself in at St. Ewold’s
XXIV: Mr. Slope Manages Matters Very Cleverly at Puddingdale
XXV: Fourteen Arguments in Favour of Mr. Quiverful’s Claims
XXVI: Mrs. Proudie Wrestles and Gets a Fall
XXVII: A Love Scene
XXVIII: Mrs. Bold Is Entertained by Dr. and Mrs. Grantly at Plumstead
XXIX: A Serious Interview
XXX: Another Love Scene
XXXI: The Bishop’s Library
XXXII: A New Candidate for Ecclesiastical Honours
XXXIII: Mrs. Proudie Victrix
XXXIV: Oxford—The Master and Tutor of Lazarus
XXXV: Miss Thorne’s Fête Champêtre
XXXVI: Ullathorne Sports—Act I
XXXVII: The Signora Neroni, the Countess de Courcy, and Mrs. Proudie Meet Each Other at Ullathorne
XXXVIII: The Bishop Sits Down to Breakfast, and the Dean Dies
XXXIX: The Lookalofts and the Greenacres
XL: Ullathorne Sports—Act II
XLI: Mrs. Bold Confides Her Sorrow to Her Friend Miss Stanhope
XLII: Ullathorne Sports—Act III
XLIII: Mr. and Mrs. Quiverful Are Made Happy. Mr. Slope Is Encouraged by the Press
XLIV: Mrs. Bold at Home
XLV: The Stanhopes at Home
XLVI: Mr. Slope’s Parting Interview with the Signora
XLVII: The Dean Elect
XLVIII: Miss Thorne Shows Her Talent at Matchmaking
XLIX: The Beelzebub Colt
L: The Archdeacon Is Satisfied with the State of Affairs
LI: Mr. Slope Bids Farewell to the Palace and Its Inhabitants
LII: The New Dean Takes Possession of the Deanery, and the New Warden of the Hospital
LIII: Conclusion
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