Journey to the Center of the Earth
I: The Professor and His Family
II: A Mystery to Be Solved at Any Price
III: The Runic Writing Exercises the Professor
IV: The Enemy to Be Starved Into Submission
V: Famine, Then Victory, Followed by Dismay
VI: Exciting Discussions About an Unparalleled Enterprise
VII: A Woman’s Courage
VIII: Serious Preparations for Vertical Descent
IX: Iceland! But What Next?
X: Interesting Conversations with Icelandic Savants
XI: A Guide Found to the Centre of the Earth
XII: A Barren Land
XIII: Hospitality Under the Arctic Circle
XIV: But Arctics Can Be Inhospitable, Too
XV: Snæfells at Last
XVI: Boldly Down the Crater
XVII: Vertical Descent
XVIII: The Wonders of Terrestrial Depths
XIX: Geological Studies In Situ
XX: The First Signs of Distress
XXI: Compassion Fuses the Professor’s Heart
XXII: Total Failure of Water
XXIII: Water Discovered
XXIV: Well Said, Old Mole! Canst Thou Work i’ the Ground So Fast?
XXV: De Profundis
XXVI: The Worst Peril of All
XXVII: Lost in the Bowels of the Earth
XXVIII: The Rescue in the Whispering Gallery
XXIX: Thalatta! Thalatta!
XXX: A New Mare Internum
XXXI: Preparations for a Voyage of Discovery
XXXII: Wonders of the Deep
XXXIII: A Battle of Monsters
XXXIV: The Great Geyser
XXXV: An Electric Storm
XXXVI: Calm Philosophic Discussions
XXXVII: The Liedenbrock Museum of Geology
XXXVIII: The Professor in His Chair Again
XXXIX: Forest Scenery Illuminated by Electricity
XL: Preparations for Blasting a Passage to the Centre of the Earth
XLI: The Great Explosion and the Rush Down Below
XLII: Headlong Speed Upward Through the Horrors of Darkness
XLIII: Shot Out of a Volcano at Last!
XLIV: Sunny Lands in the Blue Mediterranean
XLV: All’s Well That Ends Well
List of Illustrations
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