Oxford University Press
Progress with Oxford: Starting to Write Words Age 4-5
Eileen Jones
Progress with Oxford: Starting to Write Words Age 4-5
US$ 5.00
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This Progress with Oxford: Starting to Write Words Age 4-5 workbook will help your child to progress with writing while having fun so they will quickly learn to use their phonic knowledge to write words and how to write irregular common words.

The Progress with Oxford series has been created to help every child develop essential skills at home, with minimal help and support. Picture clues are used to show very young children how to complete activities, whilst reminder boxes, tips and advice support older children to become self-sufficient learners. A lively character accompanies your child through all the colourful and engaging activities, and fun stickers are included to reward their work. A handy progress chart at the end of each book captures their achievements, so you both know what to do next.

You can find even more practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress on our award-winning website, oxfordowl.co.uk. Let's get them flying!

Off you go!
Starting letters
Mind the gap
Forming letters
Even more letters
Making words
Working together
Doubling up
Hear the difference
Check your pairs
Find and write
ai and ee
Word building
ur and er
oi and ow
or and ar
Rhyme games
Rhyming words
Capital letters
Tricky words
Writing sentences
Writing more sentences
Story writing
Progress chart
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