The Jamaica Publishing House Limited
Lest You Forget: The Indigenous Peoples and the Europeans
Doris V. Hamilton-Willie
Education & Teaching
Lest You Forget: The Indigenous Peoples and the Europeans
US$ 9.90
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Lest You Forget: A Study and Revision Guide for CXC Caribbean History, is a vital companion in the study of the Revised 2010 Caribbean Examination Council’s syllabus for Caribbean History.

This booklet provides:
• A detailed guide to study one theme in the syllabus.
• Study notes for easy reference.
• Handy revision questions to keep study on target, and Tips for studying and getting an “A” grade in the examination.

Booklets available in the Lest You Forget series:
• Caribbean Economy and Slavery.
• Movements towards Emancipation.
• The United States in the Caribbean, 1776–1985.
• Movements towards Independence and Regional Integration up to 1985.
• Resistance and Revolt.
• Adjustments to Emancipation, 1838–1876.

Doris Hamilton-Willie is a trained teacher with an honours degree in History, from the University of the West Indies. She is an experienced teacher and is the former Head of the History Department at Cornwall College. She has worked as an assistant examiner and an examiner with the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) for eighteen years. She has also conducted a number of workshops in CXC History for the Ministry of Education and Youth.

Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Study Strategies and Techniques
In the Examination
To the Teacher
Three Main Groups of Indigenous Peoples of the Caribbean in 1492
Cultural Practices of the Tainos/Arawaks before the 1492 European Invasion of the Caribbean Region
The Kalinagos/Caribs
Cultural Practices of the Kalinagos/Caribs before the 1492 Arrival of the Europeans in the Caribbean
Relationship Between the Tainos/Arawaks and Kalinagos/Caribs
The Mayas
Cultural Practices of the Mayas before the 1492 Arrival of the Europeans in the Caribbean
Amerindian Trade
Developments in Europe that Contributed to Expansion into the New World at the end of the Fifteenth Century
Reasons for Voyages of Christopher Columbus
Columbus Ventured into the New World
Questions to consider
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