The Journal of Caribbean History Volume 56 Issue 1
US$ 30.00
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Editorial Board
Notes on Contributors
The Connections Between Grenada and Trinidad in the Age of Fedon, 1783–1797 by Kit Candlin
“The Greatest Attributes of Freedom”
Water, Kinship, and the Village Movement in Colonial Guyana by Catherine Peters
The Politics of Representation and Petitions
Farmers, Land, and the Jamaican Agricultural Society, 1895–19291 by José A. Fernández Montes de Oca
Social Exclusion and the Entanglement of State, Religion and Civil Society in Mid-Twentieth Century Curaçao by Margo Groenewoud
Jason T. Sharples, The World That Fear Made:
Slave Revolts and Conspiracy Scares in Early America. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020, 328 pp. ISBN: 978-0812252194
Baytoram Ramharack, Jung Bahadur Singh of Guyana (1886–1956): Politician, Ship Doctor, Labor Leader and Protector of Indians. San Juan, Trinidad: Chakra Pub-lishing, 2019, viii–xxv; 378 pp. ISBN: 9780578478289
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