Oxford University Press
Freddie's Amazing Bakery: The Great Raspberry Mix-Up
Harriet Whitehorn, Alex G Griffiths
Freddie's Amazing Bakery: The Great Raspberry Mix-Up
US$ 8.24
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Born to bake. Happy to help.

Freddie Bonbon is the kindest boy in town. He is also the most amazing baker - he just doesn't know it! So when the King of Cakes competition is announced, all his friends and customers encourage him to enter. Everyone wants Freddie to win! Everyone that is, except rival baker Bernard, who will go to any lengths to make sure Freddie's showstopper cake is a raspberry-blowing disaster!

Stories that are full of fun with gorgeous illustrations throughout. Freddie is a likeable and positive character who promotes the idea that you don't need superpowers or magic to succeed - you just need to try hard and do your best.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
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