Oxford University Press
Willow Wildthing and the Dragon's Egg
Gill Lewis, Rebecca Bagley
Willow Wildthing and the Dragon's Egg
US$ 8.24
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In the Wilderness, where magic and nature collide, there are magical creatures and strange powers at work. In this story the Wild Things - a group of children who have taken on the characteristics of the wild creatures they are named after - discover another group, the Bark Skins, have taken over their camp, and won't give it back. A battle of the camps begins with witches, dragons, dragon's eggs and the two warring clans. Can they resolve the dispute and live alongside each other in The Wilderness?

Chapter 1: Trouble in the Wilderness . . .
Chapter 2: The Invisible Tribe . . .
Chapter 3: The Disappearance of Mouse . . .
Chapter 4: Faces in the Forest . . .
Chapter 5: Terms and Conditions Apply . . .
Chapter 6: Land of the Dragon . . .
Chapter 7: When the Singing Stops . . .
Chapter 8: Power of the Egg . . .
Chapter 9: No Place for Dragons . . .
Chapter 10: The Old Magic . . .
Chapter 11: Releasing the Dragon . . .
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