Protecting Children Online?
Tijana Milosevic
Protecting Children Online?

This book investigates regulatory and social pressures that social media companies face in the aftermath of high profile cyberbullying incidents. The author’s research evaluates the policies companies develop to protect themselves and users. This includes interviews with NGO and social media company reps in the US and the EU. She triangulates these findings against news, policy reports, evaluations and interviews with e-safety experts. This book raises questions about the legitimacy of expecting companies to balance the tension between free speech and child protection without publicly revealing their decision-making processes. In an environment where e-safety is part of the corporate business model, this book unveils the process through which established social media companies receive less government scrutiny than start-ups. The importance of this research for law and policy argues for an OA edition to ensure the work is widely and globally accessible to scholars and decision makers.

Series Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Foreword by Sonia Livingstone
I: Cyberbullying, Dignity, and Children’s Rights
1. When Cyberbullying Ends in Suicide
2. Can E-safety Compromise Children’s Rights?
3. Shaping Company Responsibility: Privatized Public Sphere
II: Vagaries of Self-Regulation
4. Perils of Politics-Driven Regulation
5. Industry Self-Regulation in the US and in the EU
6. Untangling the Companies’ Motives and Actions
7. The Roles of NGOs in Search of Transparency and Effectiveness
III: Policy Solutions
8. Strengths and Limitations of Self-Regulation
9. Toward a Culture of Dignity
Appendix A
Appendix B
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