Flemish Legends
Charles de Coster
Literature & Fiction
Flemish Legends
Translator’s Note
The Brotherhood of the Cheerful Countenance
I. Of the sorrowful voice which Pieter Gans heard in his garden, and of the flame running over the grass.
II. How Jan Blaeskaek gave good counsel to Pieter Gans, and wherein covetousness is sadly punished.
III. Of the songs, voices, mewlings, and sounds of kisses which Pieter Gans and Blaeskaek heard in the garden, and of the brave mien wherewith Master Merry-face sat on the cask of stone.
IV. Wherein the two worthy men set out for Brussels, capital city of Brabant, and of the manners and condition of Josse Cartuyvels the Apothecary.
V. Of the long conversation and great perplexity of Pieter Gans and Blaeskaek in the matter of the deviling; and how they returned to Uccle with a resolution taken.
VI. Wherein it is seen that the devil is not a good one; and of the evil trick which he played on the good wives of the drinkers.
VII. Of the Great Parliament of the Women of Uccle.
VIII. Of the great wit which every woman has, and of the modest conversation which the maid Wantje held with the worthies at the inn.
IX. Wherein it is seen that the learned Thomas a Klapperibus knew what makes a drinker fidget on his stool.
X. Of the brigand called Irontooth.
XI. In which it is seen how bravely the good wives of Uccle did the duty of men.
XII. Wherein Pieter Gans is nearer the stake than the wine-barrel.
XIII. Of the great wonder and astonishment of My Lord the Duke when he heard of the valour of the women of Uccle.
XIV. In what manner was instituted the Order of the Women-Archers of Uccle and of the fine reward which My Lord gave to the brave maid Wantje.
The Three Sisters
I. Of the three noble ladies and their great beauty.
II. How a prince of Araby was taken with love for the youngest sister, and what came of it.
III. Wherein it is seen how Satan persecutes those ladies who seek to escape from the world.
IV. Of the voice of the divine bridegroom, and of the horseman in silvern armour.
V. How, by the command of God, the three ladies rode to adventure.
VI. Of the diamond hammers, and foundations torn up from the ground.
VII. Of the youngest sister and the beautiful angel.
VIII. How the three ladies saw a green island, with sweet flowers and birds thereon.
IX. Of the church of Our Lord at Haeckendover, and of the strange mason who worked there.
X. Of the two bishops, and the withered hands.
Sir Halewyn
I. Of the two castles.
II. Of Dirk, called the Crow.
III. Of Sir Halewyn and how he carried himself in his youth.
IV. How Sir Halewyn wished to take himself a wife, and what the ladies and gentlewomen said to it.
V. How it came about that Sir Halewyn, after a certain tournament, called upon the devil for aid.
VI. Of the rovings and wanderings of Sir Halewyn.
VII. Of the Prince of the Stones and of the song.
VIII. What Halewyn did to the little girl cutting faggots.
IX. Of the heart of a maid and of the great strength which came to Sir Halewyn.
X. How the Miserable robbed a Lombard goldsmith, and of the pleasant speech of the ladies and gentlewomen.
XI. Of the arrogant arms of Sir Halewyn.
XII. How Sir Halewyn jousted with a knight of England.
XIII. Of the heart dried up and of the dame Halewyn.
XIV. Of the great weakness of Sir Halewyn and of the days and nights which he spent in the forest.
XV. How the Miserable, having hanged fifteen virgins in the Gallows-field, held wicked revels and cruel orgies.
XVI. How the burgesses of the good town of Ghent gave protection to the virgins of the domain of Halewyn.
XVII. Of what Sir Halewyn did on the borders of his domain.
XVIII. Of the damosels Magtelt and Anne-Mie, and of Schimmel the dapple-gray.
XIX. How Magtelt sang to Sir Roel the lied of the Lion, and the song of the Four Witches.
XX. Of the sixteenth virgin hanged.
XXI. How Magtelt sought Anne-Mie.
XXII. How Magtelt wept bitterly, and of the fine dress which she had.
XXIII. Of Toon the Silent.
XXIV. How the damosel Magtelt made a good resolution.
XXV. Of the sword of the Lion.
XXVI. Of the noble apparel of the maid Magtelt.
XXVII. How Sir Roel and the lady Gonde questioned Toon the Silent, and of what he answered.
XXVIII. The riding of the maid Magtelt.
XXIX. Of the crow and the sparrow, of the hound, the horse and the seven echoes.
XXX. How Magtelt came to the Gallows-field.
XXXI. Of the sixteen deaths and of the Prince of the Stones.
XXXII. How father, mother, and sister sought everywhere their son and brother, and could not find him.
XXXIII. Of the feast in the castle of Heurne, and of the head upon the table.
Smetse Smee
I. Of Smetse, his belly, and his forge.
II. How Slimbroek the Red put out the fire in Smetse’s forge.
III. Wherein Slimbroek is seen in the river prettily tricked out.
IV. Of the two branches.
V. Of the flaming ball, of the forge relit, and of the terrible great buffet which the man with the lantern gave to Smetse’s wife.
VI. Wherein the wife of Smetse shows the great length of her tongue.
VII. Of Smetse the Rich.
VIII. How there came a ragged, wayfarer to Smetse’s door, and with him, on an ass, a sweet wife and a little child.
IX. What Smetse did in order to keep his secret.
X. Of the Bloody Councillor.
XI. Wherein the workmen hold fair speech with Smetse.
XII. How that Smetse would not give his secret into his wife’s tongue’s keeping.
XIII. Of the Bloody Duke.
XIV. Of the great fears and pains of Smetse’s wife.
XV. Of the Bloody King.
XVI. Wherein Smetse beholds on the River Lys a most marvellous sight.
XVII. Of Hell, of Purgatory, of the long ladder, and finally of Paradise.
XVIII. Wherein it is seen why Smetse was whipped.
XIX. Of the fair judgment of My Lord Jesus.
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