Caribbean Cultural Thought: From Plantation to Diaspora
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Table of Contents
Introduction: Caribbean CulturalThought in Pursuit of Freedom
Anti-Colonial Thought
The Equality of the Human Races:Positivist Anthropology (excerpt)
Our America
The Vocation of the Elite
Culture and Colonisation
The Malaise of a Civilization
Racism and Culture
I Come from the Nigger Yard
Caribbean Nationalisms
Africa for the Africans
Race and Creole Ethnicityin the Caribbean
Not Just (Any) Body Can Be a Citizen:
Song for Puerto Rico
The Plantation
Plantation Society:
Beckford and the Predicamentsof Caribbean Culture
The Dark Complete Worldof a Caribbean Store
Reluctant Matriarchs
The Origins of Reconstituted Peasantries
Culture on the Edges:
Cultural Identityand Social Change
On the Social Phenomenonof “Transculturation” andIts Importance in Cuba
Transatlantic African Survivals andthe Dynamism of Negro Culture
The Social Framework
Caribbean Man inSpace and Time1
Retentions and Survivals
The “Creolisation” of IndianWomen in Trinidad1
Reputation and Respectability
That Event, This Memory
Creolization and Nation-Buildingin the Hispanic Caribbean
Culture, Color and Politics
West Indian Society150 Years after Abolition
Cultural Identity and the Arts
A Dialogue: Nation Language andPoetics of Creolization
Caribbean Aesthetics
Of the MarvellousRealism of the Haitians
“Preface” and “Afrocubanism”
“What is Art?”
History, Fable and Myth in the Caribbean and Guianas
The Love Axe (I):
Articulating a Caribbean Aesthetic
The Battle for Space
Afterword:“Beyond Miranda’s Meanings
“What’s Identity Got to do with It?”
Uses of the Erotic
Theorizing Sexual Relationsin the Caribbean
In the Night
Caribbean Religionsand Spiritualities
Introduction to CreoleReligions of the Caribbean:
The Spirit of the Thing:
Healing the Nation:
Ritual in Diaspora:
Thinking the Diaspora:
The Diasporic Mo(ve)ment
Re-Engineering Blackspace
Out on Main Street
Inglan is a Bitch
The Star-Apple Kingdom
Horizons of Caribbean Studies:
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