Oxford University Press
STP Caribbean Mathematics Book 1
Chandler, Smith, Chan Tack, Wendy Griffith, Kenneth Holder
Science & Math
STP Caribbean Mathematics Book 1
US$ 28.49
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STP Caribbean Mathematics Book 1 has been revised and updated to address the demands of mathematics syllabuses in the region and provide students with a firm foundation for success at CSEC®. STP Caribbean Mathematics makes mathematics relevant for students by providing real-life context and plenty of opportunity to practise key mathematical skills and concepts. It introduces topics in a clear, accessible and thorough manner - and its focus on the core aspects of mathematics help to reinforce the textbook's accuracy and rigour. This title also includes answers to all the activities.

1 Whole number arithmetic
Place value
Continuous addition
Addition of whole numbers
Subtraction of whole numbers
Mixed addition and subtraction
Multiplication of whole numbers
Multiplication by 10, 100, 1000, …
Long multiplication
Using a calculator for long multiplication
Division of whole numbers
Division by 10, 100, 1000, …
Mixed operations of +, −, ×, ÷
Using brackets
Number patterns
Types of number
Mixed exercises
2 Factors and indices
Prime numbers
Place values and powers of ten
Expressing a number as a product in index form
Finding prime factors
Expressing a number as a product of prime factors
Highest Common Factor (HCF)
Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)
Problems involving HCFs and LCMs
3 Sets
Set notation
Describing members
The symbol ∈
The symbol ∉
Finite and infinite sets
Equal sets
Equivalent sets
Empty set
The universal set
Venn diagrams
Union of two sets
Intersection of sets
4 Introduction to geometry
Terms used in geometry
Plane figures
Special quadrilaterals
5 Fractions: addition and subtraction
The meaning of fractions
One quantity as a fraction of another
Equivalent fractions
Comparing the sizes of fractions
Simplifying fractions
Adding fractions
Fractions with different denominators
Subtracting fractions
Adding and subtracting fractions
Mixed numbers and improper fractions
The meaning of 13 ÷ 5
Adding mixed numbers
Subtracting mixed numbers
Mixed exercises
6 Fractions: multiplication and division
Multiplying fractions
Multiplying mixed numbers
Whole numbers as fractions
Fractions of quantities
Dividing by fractions
Dividing by whole numbers and mixed numbers
Mixed multiplication and division
Mixed operations
Mixed exercises
7 Geometry 1
Fractions of a revolution
Compass directions
Right angles
Acute, obtuse and reflex angles
Using a protractor to measure angles
Mixed questions
Drawing angles using a protractor
Vertically opposite angles
Angles on a straight line
Complementary angles
Supplementary angles
Angles at a point
Mixed exercises
Review test 1: Chapters 1–7
8 Introduction to decimals
The meaning of decimals
Changing decimals to fractions
Changing fractions to decimals
Addition of decimals
Subtraction of decimals
Multiplication by 10, 100, 1000, …
Division by 10, 100, 1000, …
Mixed multiplication and division
Mixed exercises
9 Multiplication and division of decimals
Long method of multiplication
Short method of multiplication
Division by whole numbers
Long division
Changing fractions to decimals (exact values)
Standard decimals and fractions
Recurring decimals
Dot notation
Correcting to a given number of decimal places
Changing fractions to decimals
Division by decimals
Mixed multiplication and division
Relative sizes
Mixed exercises
10 Statistics
Frequency tables
Bar charts
Drawing pictographs
The arithmetic average or mean
Collecting data
Mixed exercises
11 Directed numbers
Positive and negative numbers
The number line
Addition and subtraction of positive numbers
Addition and subtraction of negative numbers
Addition and subtraction of directed numbers
Multiplication of directed numbers
Division of directed numbers
Mixed exercises
12 Algebra 1
The idea of algebra
Simplifying expressions
Multiplication and division of algebraic fractions
Substituting numbers into expressions
Mixed exercises
13 Geometry 2
Using a pair of compasses
Drawing straight lines of a given length
Angles of a triangle
Constructing triangles given one side and two angles
Constructing triangles given two sides and the angle between the two sides
Constructing triangles given the lengths of three sides
Drawing quadrilaterals
Some special triangles: equilateral and isosceles
Mixed exercises
Review test 2: Chapters 8–13
14 Introducing percentages
Expressing percentages as fractions
Expressing fractions and decimals as percentages
Expressing one quantity as a percentage of another
Finding a percentage of a quantity
Mixed exercises
15 Units of measurement
The need for standard units
Units of length
Some uses of metric units of length
Changing from large units to smaller units
Units of mass
Mixed units
Changing from small units to larger units
Multiplying metric units
Imperial units of length
Imperial units of mass
Rough equivalence between metric and imperial units
Mixed exercises
16 Symmetry, reflections and translations
Line symmetry
Two lines of symmetry
Three or more lines of symmetry
Mixed exercise
17 Area and perimeter
Counting squares
Units of area
Area of a square
Area of a rectangle
Compound figures
Changing units of area
Mixed problems
18 Areas of parallelograms and triangles
Area of a rectangle
Finding a length when the area is given
Area of a parallelogram
Area of a triangle
Height of a triangle
Finding areas of triangles
Finding missing measurements
Compound shapes
Mixed exercises
19 Algebra 2
The idea of equations
Solving equations
Multiples of x
Mixed operations
Two operations
Equations containing brackets
Problems to be solved by forming equations
Mixed exercises
20 Sequences
Finding an expression for the nth term of a sequence
21 Consumer arithmetic
Best buys
Sales tax
Profit and loss
Finding simple interest
Mixed exercises
Review test 3: Chapters 14–21
Review test 4: Chapters 1–21
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