Canadian History: Post-Confederation
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Title Page
Table Of Contents
About the Book
Introduction to Post-Confederation Canada
Chapter 1. Confederation and the Peoples of Canada
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Historical Demography of Canada, 1608-1921
1.3 The Age of Federation
1.4 Contributory Factors of Confederation
1.5 Constitutional Crisis
1.6 Summary
Chapter 2. Confederation in Conflict
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Nova Scotia's Second Thoughts
2.3 British Columbia and the Terms of Union
2.4 Prince Edward Island
2.5 Canada Captures The West, 1867-70
2.6 Canada and the First Nations of the West
2.7 Rebellion 1885
2.8 Making Sense of 1885
2.9 The Railway
2.10 The North
2.11 The Provincial Rights Movement
2.12 The Judicial System of Post-Confederation Canada
2.13 The Other Dominion
2.14 Summary
Chapter 3. Urban, Industrial, and Divided: Socio-Economic Change, 1867-1920
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Industrialization, Labour, and Historians
3.3 The National Policy
3.4 Rise of a Working Class
3.5 Urbanization and Industry
3.6 Craft and Industrial Unions
3.7 Limits of Democracy
3.8 Early Women’s Movement(s) in Canada
3.9 The Great War and the General Strike
3.10 Summary
Chapter 4. Politics and Conflict in Victorian and Edwardian Canada
4.1 Introduction
4.2 John A. Macdonald’s Canada
4.3 Succession Planning
4.4 The Sunny Ways of Sir Wilfrid Laurier
4.5 Imperialism vs. Nationalism
4.6 Canada and Africa
4.7 Edwardian Crises
4.8 Summary
Chapter 5. Immigration and the Immigrant Experience
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Immigration and the National Policy
5.3 Immigrants by the Numbers
5.4. The Clifford Sifton Years, 1896-1905
5.5 The Promised Land
5.6 The Ukrainian Westerners
5.7 Culture and Adaptation
5.8 Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration
5.9 Immigrants and War
5.10 Female Immigrants and the Canadian State, 1860s through the 20th century
5.11 Post-War Immigration
5.12 The Chinese in Canada
5.13 Summary
Chapter 6. The War Years, 1914-45
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Borden vs. Borden
6.3 The Great War
6.4 Assessing Canada’s War
6.5 Suffrage and Prohibition
6.6 The Interwar Years
6.7 The Natural Governing Party: The King Years
6.8 Canadian Fascists
6.9 The Road to WWII
6.10 Canada Goes to War
6.11 Newfoundland Goes to War
6.12 Status Indians and Military Service in the World Wars
6.13 Canada between the UK and the US
6.14 Global War
6.15 The Home Front
6.16 Enlisted Women, Conscription, and the Zombie Army
6.17 Japanese Canadians in the Second World War
6.18 From V-E to V-J
6.19 Summary
Chapter 7. Reform Movements from the 1870s to the 1980s
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Social Reform
7.3 Poverty, 1867–1945
7.4 Families and Property Rights in Canada
7.5 Women’s Organizations and Reform
7.6 Social Gospel
7.7 Temperance and Prohibition
7.8 Eugenics
7.9 Reform Politics: 3rd Parties
7.10 The Second Wave of Feminism
7.11 Greenpeace
7.12 Summary
Chapter 8. The Economy since 1920
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The Staples Model
8.3 Capital Markets
8.4 Economic Cycles
8.5 The Great Depression
8.6 The New Economy
8.7 Three Sectors
8.8 The Shipping Industry in Canada, 1867 – 1945
8.9 Canada’s Ocean Fisheries
8.10 Oil and Gas and the New West
8.11 Fashioning a Post-War Economy
8.12 The Postwar Settlement in Canada
8.13 The Atlantic Provinces
8.14 Economic Nationalism
8.15 The Boom Years, the Bust Years
8.16 The New World Economic Order
8.17 Post-Industrial Canada
8.18 Summary
Chapter 9. Cold War Canada, 1945-1991
9.1 Introduction
9.2 One Dominion
9.3 The North: Economy and Territory
9.4 The Cold War
9.5 Post-War Leadership and State-making
9.6 Dief is the Chief
9.7 The Pearson Interlude
9.8 Trudeau I
9.9 Cold War Quebec
9.10 The October Crisis
9.11 Quebec and the ROC
9.12 The 1980s
9.13 Cold War Society: Cities and Suburbs
9.14 Rural Canada in an Urban Century
9.15 Cold War Themes
9.16 The 1960s Counterculture
9.17 The Sexual Revolution
9.18 Summary
Chapter 10. This is the Modern World
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Defining Modernism
10.3 Antimodernism
10.4 Consumerism
10.5 Secular Canada
10.6 Religion And Irreligion In The Postwar World
10.7 Gendered Roles after the Wars
10.8 Canada Noir
10.9 Historicizing Childhood: The Changing Fortunes of Children and Youth in Canada
10.10 Teenage Rampage
10.11 Historical Experiences of Adolescence at Mid-century
10.12 Youth and Moral Panics
10.13 Modern Culture
10.14 A Culture under Siege?
10.15 The National Pastime(s)
10.16 Sport and Leisure in Post-Confederation Canada
10.17 Commercial Sport and Spectating
10.18 Tourism in 20th Century Canada
10.19 Summary
Chapter 11. First Nations from Indian Act to Idle No More
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Environment and Colonialism
11.3 Natives by the Numbers
11.4 Aboriginal – Newcomer Relations before Confederation
11.5 Aboriginal-Newcomer Relations since Confederation
11.6 Living with Treaties
11.7 From Agricultural Training to Residential School
11.8 WWI to 1970
11.9 The Aqueduct and Colonialism
11.10 Canada and the Colonized, 1970-2002
11.11 Residential Schools
11.12 Idle No More
11.13 Summary
Chapter 12. Canada at the End of History
12.1 Introduction
12.2 The End of the Cold War
12.3 Postmodern Politics
12.4 Political Recalibrations
12.5 Identity Politics
12.6 Building a National Identity
12.7 Queer and Other Histories
12.8 The Art of War
12.9 The Historical Record in the Born-Digital Age
12.10 Digital Histories
12.11 Oral History: The Stories Our Grandmothers Tell Us and More
12.12 Monuments and Memory
12.13 Summary
Appendix: Glossary
About the Author and Contributors
Other Books by John Douglas Belshaw
Versioning History
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