Oxford University Press
The Demon Headmaster and the Prime Minister's Brain
Gillian Cross
The Demon Headmaster and the Prime Minister's Brain
US$ 10.49
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There's a new computer game at school and the chance to enter the Junior Computer Brain of the Year competition is sending ripples of excitement through the pupils. Dinah is a whizz at the game and soon finds herself in the competition final. But it takes a while to realize that it's all just part of the Demon Headmaster's latest plan . . . Dinah is being used to access the computer of the Prime Minster. Great fun and just a little bit frightening, Gillian Cross's Demon Headmaster books still hold readers under their hypnotic spell. Fast-paced and full of adventure, they're impossible to resist!

1 The Octopus Game
2 Dinah Plays Octopus Dare
3 The Letter
4 North Island
5 Into the Sentinel Tower
6 The Brains
7 Another way in
8 The Brains are Programmed
9 Harvey Walks into Trouble
10 A Task for the Brains
11 On the Shelf
12 Only Joking?
13 The Prisoner
14 ‘The Prime Minister’s Brain’
15 The Restraint Room
16 The Computer Director’s Triumph
17 The Brains Fight Back
18 The Last Octopus
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