Oxford University Press
MYP Spanish Language Acquisition Phases 1 & 2
Tere de Vries, Cristóbal González Salgado
Education & Teaching
MYP Spanish Language Acquisition Phases 1 & 2
US$ 59.99
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Secure the essential language foundations. This resource helps you develop vital comprehension and skills in phases 1 and 2, thoroughly preparing learners to progress. An inquiry-based format applies key and related concepts to relevant learning material, helping you fully deliver the MYP approach and build meaningful conceptual connections.

Build a strong foundation of Spanish skills and comprehension, preparing MYP learners to progress
Simplify early language acquisition, fully securing the basics
Fully integrate concept-based learning with an inquiry-based unit structure that drives independent thinking
Apply inquiry-based techniques to age and phase appropriate language learning material
Build interpreting, listening, speaking reading and writing skills framed within key and related concepts
Connect activities with the MYP assessment criteria, preparing learners for summative assessment
Mapped to the current MYP curriculum framework

Front Cover
Title Page
Unit overview
1 ¿Cómo aprendemos?
2 ¿Quién eres?
3 Mi rutina cotidiana
4 Hogar, dulce hogar
5 Así soy yo en mi tiempo libre
6 Un mosaico de tradiciones y celebraciones
7 La vida sana
8 Las lenguas de mi vida
9 Mi barrio y mi comunidad
10 “WWW”, una herramienta para aprender
11 Nos vamos de viaje
12 La diversidad geográfica y cultural del mundo hispano
Back Cover
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