Oxford University Press
Oxford Children's Classics: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain
Oxford Children's Classics: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
US$ 8.99
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What are you looking for? Excitement! Fun! Adventure! Trouble! If there's mischief in the air and trouble brewing you can bet your bottom dollar that Tom Sawyer will be right there in the thick of it! Oxford Children's Classics present not only the original and unabridged story of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, but also help you to discover a whole world of new adventures with an amazing assortment of recommendations and activities.

1 Y-o-u-u Tom—Aunt Polly Decides Upon her Duty—Tom Practices Music—The Challenge—A Private Entrance
2 Strong Temptations—Strategic Movements—The Innocents Beguiled
3 Tom as a General—Triumph and Reward—Dismal Felicity—Commission and Omission
4 Mental Acrobatics—Attending Sunday School—The Superintendent—‘Showing off’—Tom lionized
5 A Useful Minister—In Church—The Climax
6 Self-Examination—Dentistry—The Midnight Charm—Witches and Devils—Cautious Approaches—Happy Hours
7 A Treaty Entered into—Early Lessons—A Mistake Made
8 Tom decides on His Course—Old Scenes Re-enacted
9 A Solemn Situation—Grave Subjects introduced—Injun Joe Explains
10 The Solemn Oath—Terror Brings Repentance—Mental Punishment
11 Muff Potter Comes Himself—Tom’s Conscience at Work
12 Tom Shows his Generosity—Aunt Polly Weakens
13 The Young Pirates—Going to the Rendezvous—The Camp-Fire Talk
14 Camp Life—A Sensation—Tom Steals Away from Camp
15 Tom Reconnoitres—Learns the Situation—Reports at Camp
16 A Day’s Amusements—Tom Reveals a Secret—The Pirates Take a Lesson—A Night Surprise—An Indian War
17 Memories of the Lost Heroes—The Point in Tom’s Secret
18 Tom’s Feelings Investigated—Wonderful Dream—Becky Thatcher Overshadowed—Tom becomes Jealous—Black Revenge
19 Tom Tells the Truth
20 Becky in a Dilemma—Tom’s Nobility Asserts Itself
21 Youthful Eloquence—Compositions by the Young Ladies—A Lengthy Vision—The Boys’ Vengeance Satisfied
22 Tom’s Confidence Betrayed—Expects Signal Punishment
23 Old Muff’s Friends—Muff Potter in Court—Muff Potter Saved
24 Tom as the Village Hero—Days of Splendour and Nights of Horror—Pursuit of Injun Joe
25 About Kings and Diamonds—Search for the Treasure—Dead People and Ghosts
26 The Haunted House—Sleepy Ghosts—A Box of Gold—Bitter Luck
27 Doubts to be Settled—The Young Detectives
28 An Attempt at Number Two—Huck Mounts Guard
29 The Picnic—Huck on Injun Joe’s Track—The ‘Revenge’ Job—Aid for the Widow
30 The Welshman’s Reports—Huck Under Fire—The Story Circulated—A New Sensation—Hope Giving Way to Despair
31 An Exploring Expedition—Trouble Commences—Lost in the Cave—Total Darkness—Found but not Saved
32 Tom Tells the Story of Their Escape—Tom’s Enemy in Safe Quarters
33 The Fate of Injun Joe—Huck and Tom Compare Notes—An Expedition to the Cave—Projection Against Ghosts—‘An Awful Snug Place’—A Reception at the Widow Douglas’s
34 Springing a Secret—Mr Jones’s Surprise a Failure
35 A New Order of Things—Poor Huck—New Adventures Planned
Weird and Wonderful Words
Things to Think About
Paras Garg
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