Essential Biology for Cambridge IGCSE®
US$ 43.49
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Front Cover
Title Page
1 Characteristics and classification of living organisms
1.1 Characteristics of living organisms
1.2 Classification
1.3 Features of organisms
1.4 Vertebrates
1.5 Invertebrates
1.6 Ferns and floweringplants
1.7 Dichotomous keys
Practice Questions
2 Cells
2.1 Structure of cells
2.2 Cell organelles
2.3 Different types of cell
2.4 Levels of organisation
Practice questions
3 Movement in and out of cells
3.1 Diffusion
3.2 Osmosis
3.3 Osmosis in plant and animal cells
3.4 Active transport
Practice questions
4 Biological molecules
4.1 Biological molecules
4.2 Chemical tests for biological molecules
4.3 DNA
Practice questions
5 Enzymes
5.1 Structure and action of enzymes
5.2 Factors affecting enzymeaction: temperature
5.3 Enzymes and pH
Practice questions
6 Plant nutrition
6.1 Photosynthesis
6.2 What is needed for photosynthesis?
6.3 Products of photosynthesis
6.4 Rate of photosynthesis
6.5 Glasshouse production
6.6 Leaves
6.7 Mineral requirements
Practice questions
7 Animal nutrition
7.1 A balanced diet
7.2 Sources of nutrients
7.3 Balancing energy needs
7.4 Starvation and nutrient deficiency
7.5 Digestion
7.6 Teeth
7.7 Mouth, oesophagus and stomach
7.8 Small intestine and absorption
7.9 Large intestine and intestinal disease
Practice questions
8 Plant transport
8.1 Transport systems
8.2 Water uptake
8.3 Transpiration
8.4 Translocation
Practice questions
9 Transport in humans
9.1 Circulation
9.2 The heart
9.3 Heart and exercise
9.4 Blood vessels
9.5 Coronary heart disease(CHD)
9.6 Blood
9.7 Blood in defence
9.8 Lymph and tissue fluid
10 Diseases and immunity
10.1 Disease
10.2 Defence against disease
10.3 Aspects of immunity
10.4 Controlling the spread of disease
Practice questions
11 Gas exchange in humans
11.1 The gas exchange system
11.2 Gas exchange
11.3 Breathing
11.4 Rate and depth of breathing
Practice questions
12 Respiration
12.1 Aerobic respiration
12.2 Anaerobic respiration
Practice questions
13 Excretion
13.1 Excretion
13.2 Kidney structure
13.3 Kidney function
13.4 Kidney dialysis and kidney transplants
Practice questions
14 Coordination and response
14.1 Nervous controlin humans
14.2 Neurones and reflexarcs
14.3 Synapses and drugs
14.4 Sense organs
14.5 The eye
14.6 Hormones
14.7 Controlling conditionsin the body
14.8 Controlling bodytemperature
14.9 Tropic responses
Practice questions
15 Drugs
15.1 Drugs
15.2 Heroin
15.3 Alcohol and the misuse of drugs in sport
15.4 Smoking and health
Practice questions
16 Reproduction
16.1 Asexual and sexual reproduction
16.2 Flower structure
16.3 Pollination
16.4 Fertilisation and seed formation
16.5 The male reproductive system
16.6 The female reproductive system
16.7 Fertilisation and implantation
16.8 Pregnancy
16.9 Ante-natal care and birth
16.10 Sex hormones
16.11 The menstrual cycle
16.12 Methods of birthcontrol
16.13 Control of fertility
16.14 Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Exam-Style Questions
17 Inheritance
17.1 Chromosomes, genes and DNA
17.2 Protein synthesis
17.3 Mitosis
17.4 Meiosis
17.5 Inheritance and genes
17.6 Monohybridinheritance
17.7 Codominance
17.8 Sex linkage
Practice questions
18 Variation and selection
18.1 Variation
18.2 Mutations
18.3 Adaptive features
18.4 Natural selection
18.5 Selective breeding
Practice questions
19 Organisms and their environment
19.1 Energy flow
19.2 Pyramids of numbers and biomass
19.3 Shortening the food chain
19.4 Nutrient cycles
19.5 The nitrogen cycle
19.6 Populations, communities and ecosystems
19.7 Human populations
Practice questions
20 Biotechnology and genetic engineering
20.1 Microorganisms and biotechnology
20.2 Enzymes and biotechnology
20.3 Fermenters
20.4 Genetic engineering
Practice questions
21 Human influences on ecosystems
21.1 Food supply
21.2 Habitat destruction
21.3 Pollution
21.4 Water pollution
21.5 The greenhouse effect
21.6 Acid rain
21.7 Sustainable resources
21.8 Sewage treatment and recycling
21.9 Endangered species
21.10 Conservation
Practice questions
Alternative to practical paper
Back Cover
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