Oxford University Press
Oxford AQA History: A Level and AS Component 1: The Tudors: England 1485-1603
Sally Waller, Michael Tillbrook
Oxford AQA History: A Level and AS Component 1: The Tudors: England 1485-1603
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Please note this title is suitable for any student studying: Exam Board: AQA Level: A Level Subject: History First teaching: September 2015 First exams: June 2017 Retaining all the well-loved features from the previous editions, The Tudors has been approved by AQA and matched to the 2015 specifications. With a strong focus on skills building and exam practice, this book covers in breadth issues of change, continuity, and cause and consequence in this period of English history through key questions such as how effectively did the Tudors develop the powers of the monarchy, and how did English society and economy change. Its aim is to enable students to understand and make connections between the six key themes covered in the specification. Students can further develop vital skills such as historical interpretations and source analyses via specially selected sources and extracts. Practice questions and study tips provide additional support to help familiarize students with the new exam style questi

Introduction to features
AQA History specification overview
Introduction to the Oxford AQA History series
Introduction to this book
Part One: AS and A Level Consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty: England, 1485–1547
Section 1 Henry VII, 1485–1509
1 The consolidation of power
2 Henry VII’s government
3 England’s relations with Scotland and other foreign powers, 1485–1509
4 English society at the end of the fifteenth century
5 Economic development: trade, exploration,prosperity and depression
6 Religion, humanism, arts and learning
Section 3 Instability and consolidation:‘the mid-Tudor crisis’, 1547–63
13 Edward VI, Somerset and Northumberland
14 The social impact of religious and economic change under Edward VI
15 Mary I and her ministers
16 The social impact of religious and economic changes under Mary I
17 Elizabeth I: character and aims
18 The impact of economic, social and religious developments in the early years of Elizabeth’s rule
Section 2 Henry VIII, 1509–47
7 The character and aims of Henry VIII
8 Henry VIII, government and Parliament
9 Foreign relations an and securing the succession
10 English society in the reign of Henry VIII
11 Economic development in the reign of Henry VIII
12 Religion, ideas and reform
Part Two: A Level England: Turmoil and Triumph, 1547–1603
Section 4 The triumph of Elizabeth,1563–1603
19 Elizabethan government, 1563–1603
20 Foreign affairs
21 Society in Elizabethan England
22 Economic development in Elizabethan England
23 Religious developments and the‘Golden Age’ of Elizabethan culture
24 The last years of Elizabeth
Conclusion: Restoring and developing the powers of the monarchy
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