Oxford University Press
Oxford IB Diploma Programme: Visual Arts Course Companion
Jayson Paterson, Simon Poppy, Andrew Vaughan
Oxford IB Diploma Programme: Visual Arts Course Companion
US$ 46.49
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Strengthen potential in IB Visual Arts. Matched to the updated IB Visual Arts Guide for first examination in 2017, and developed directly with the IB, this essential Course Book breaks down and clarifies all the assessment components of the course. Guiding learners through each assessment task, a range of artwork examples contextualize the exam criteria, reinforcing comprehension and confidence. Build assessment potential enable learners to fully understand and engage with all the assessment tasks Develop exam strategies equip students with tested means to develop ideas and evaluate their work Drive reflective learning built-in TOK links, questions and discussion points help you fully adopt the IB approach to learning Fully matched to the most recent IB Visual Guide for first examination 2017

Front Cover
TItle Page
1 The visual arts journal
What is the visual arts journal?
Making the visual arts journal a habit
Using your visual arts journal as a learning tool
Linking with the assessed components
2 Formal elements of art
What are the formal elements of art?
Space and depth
Time and motion
Materials, process and technique
3 The comparative study
What is the comparative study?
Making choices
What do we mean by culture?
How to research
Assessment criteria for the comparative study
Visiting museums, exhibitions and galleries
How to interpret function and purpose
What do we mean by context and audience?
How to make comparisons
How to present your comparative study
How to make connections to your own art
4 The process portfolio
What is the process portfolio?
What are the requirements of the process portfolio?
Assessment criteria for the process portfolio
Assembling your process portfolio
5 The exhibition
What is the exhibition?
Starting points
Developing ideas and intentions
Developing skills and considering art-makingforms
Themes, ideas and concepts
Sensitive issues/provocative art
Academic honesty and the artworks you present
The impact of your school, your culture,and your teacher
Assessment criteria for the exhibition
Selecting the artworks for your exhibition
The exhibition
Recommended reading
Back Cover
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