Oxford University Press
The Lastling
Philip Gross
The Lastling
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Paris is on a trek in the Himalayas with her uncle and her uncle's friends. On the way they come across a young Tibetan monk, Tahr, who reluctantly joins their party as his protector has died in an accident. As the trek progresses, Paris realizes the true reason for the journey - her uncle and his friends are a strange, gourmet dining club, dedicated to hunting down and eating the rarest possible animals. So when they discover a young yeti-like creature, who is very nearly human herself, Tahr convinces Paris that they have a duty to protect her, come what may. ·Dramatically told in a lyrical style by Philip Gross, a well-known poet for both adults and children.

1 The Girl in the Ice
2 The House of the Snows
3 Iron Dragonfly
4 Paris On Location
5 The Other Side of Somewhere
6 Gods and Titans
7 The Ultimate Diners Club
8 Lights-Out
9 Mornings After
10 Bloody Eden
11 It
12 A Cave of Eyes
13 What’s Unspoken
14 Into the Dark
15 Survivors
16 Idées Fixes
17 Don’t Look Back
18 A Cage of Roots
19 No Way But Up
20 The View from the Edge
21 Mother Song
22 A Slingshot at an Eagle
23 Tongue of Ice
24 The Fastness
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