Oxford University Press
AQA English Language and Literature: A Level and AS
Ruth Doyle, Angela Goddard, Raj Rana, Mario Saraceni
AQA English Language and Literature: A Level and AS
US$ 38.25
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This book prepares students and teachers for the requirements of the 2015 AQA A Level English Language and Literature specification. Structured and written to develop the skills on which students will be assessed in the exams and coursework, students of all abilities, through the source texts, book features and approach, will be able to make clear progress. The book offers students the opportunity to build on skills acquired at GCSE, extending them into their A Level course, ensuring that they are fully prepared for the assessment requirements of the qualifications and that students become successful, independent all-round learners. Building on years of development work on earlier editions, this brand new book includes the latest thinking and research, thus maintaining relevance and instilling confidence. Whether students are taking AS or A Level AQA English Language and Literature, this resource offers guidance and activities to help all students achieve their potential.

Front Cover
Title Page
Part 1: Telling Stories
2 Stories in fiction
3 Stories in poetry
4 Re-telling stories
Part 2: Exploring Conflict
5 Adopting new perspectives
6 Explaining your perspective
7 Staging perspectives
Part 3:Making Connections
8 Non-exam assessment (coursework)
9 Approaches to investigation
Back Cover
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