Macmillan Education
Mission: Science Student's Book 2
Terry Hudson, Debbie Roberts
Mission: Science Student's Book 2
US$ 12.60
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Mission: Science is an exciting new Primary Science course with a comprehensive real-life enquiry driven approach.
Key features:
• Nurtures early interest in STEM by investigating natural and engineered environments
• A skills-based, student-centred approach encourages students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills throughout
• Hands-on activities provide pupils with opportunities to learn using practical and easily accessible materials
• ‘Real World Science’ case studies bring science to life to inspire the next generation of Caribbean scientists and engineers
• Encourages students to take their learning of science out of the classroom and into the real world
• Full coverage of the OECS curriculum

Title page
How to use this book
Scope and sequence
Unit 1 Structure and function
Plants and animals develop in different ways
Science projects
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Unit 2 Ecosytems 1
Adaptation of organisms to their environment
Science projects
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Unit 3 Matter and materials
Materials and their uses
Designing an object
Solids and liquids
Water and ice
Liquids at home
Science projects
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Unit 4 The Earth’s weather
Measuring the weather
Science projects
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Unit 5 The solar system
The Sun, Earth and Moon
Science projects
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Unit 6 Ecosystems 2
Feeding relationships and defence in animals
The effects of environmental destruction
Solid waste management
Making different sounds and musical instruments
Science projects
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Unit 7 Forces, motion and structures
Effects of forces
Simple mechanical devices
Science projects
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Unit 8 Diversity and classification
Human variation
Living and non-living things
Characteristics of living things
How do plants differ?
Science projects
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Unit 9 Energy
Making use of devices
Windmills and waterwheels
Science projects
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Unit 10 The Earth’s resources
Dealing with pollution
Science projects
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