Benefits & Features
We'll host and manage your digital library, help you build your collection, negotiate with publishers and give you the tools to measure your success.
Multiple Platforms
Give readers flexibility to read their eBooks on the device of their choice.
All Major eBook Formats
We support 10 different eBook formats which includes PDF | MOBI | EPUB. Quickly distribute your eBook regardless of the format.
Centrally Manage & Distribute
Securely distribute and manage access to eBooks, syllabi, lesson plans, and other materials to teachers and staff.
Cost Effective
No costs associated with building or maintaining a custom application. Tablets and computers can be used by multiple individuals across all age groups to access your catalogue.
Your eBooks are fully secured on both web and mobile devices. Our DRM solution uses the same encryption protocols as top tier banks and other well known technology companies.
Free Access To Over 55,000 eBooks
Readers can access a large variety of free eBooks for Mathematics, Sciences & Technology, Business, Literarture, and other topics.
E-Learning & Custom Content
Teachers can easily create a variety of interactive books with videos and questions; and can quickly push those materials to students.
Readers will be able to access your catalogue securely 24/7 by using their own personal device.
Digital Workbooks & Interactive eBooks
We support interactivity that allows true/false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and general open-ended questions. Immerse your readers with the support to embed audio video in and animation directly in your eBooks.
Deep Insights & Analytics
With access to rich data, schools can quickly analyse how their content and books are being consumed and measure the success of their initiatives. Identify the most engaged readers, scholls or departments.
More Affordable for Students
Students can now obtain eBooks at a much more affordable cost using a variety of models such as: *Timed Access *Individual Chapters *Bundle Deals.
Mark Digital Books
Teachers can mark answers from quizzes of digital textbooks from a variety of different answers such as trule/false, multiple choice, fill in the blank, and general open-ended questions from a single interface online.
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