NexGen Learning Solutions
Carol Nichola Granston, PhD
Children's Books
The Quest: The Golden Amulet
US$ 6.99
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When eleven-year-old Caribbean girl Tiana Webb finds a mysterious golden object in the abandoned church yard, she has no idea what she has stumbled upon.

She enlists the help of her four closest friends, and together they embark upon the adventure of a lifetime. They journey to return the amulet, which, according to local legend, will restore peace and prosperity to the land of its rightful owners, the Peaceful Ones. These are an ancient people who lived in the Caribbean long before the arrival of Christopher Columbus.

Along the journey, they are faced with decisions about which path to choose. They must choose wisely, as the path selected will determine which scary folklore characters from across the Caribbean they will meet.

Time is against them and the amulet must be returned before it’s too late. Will they make it on time? Will they make it at all?

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Which Way Should They Go
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