100 Desert Wildflowers in Natural Color
Natt Noyes Dodge
100 Desert Wildflowers in Natural Color
100 Desert Wildflowers in natural color
Hints for Flower Photographers
The Desert
Why and When Do Deserts Bloom?
Identifying Desert Wildflowers
Spring gives an Evening Party
1. Longleaf ephedra
2. Common reed
3. Prairie spiderwort
4. Desertlily
5. Mariposa
6. Golden mariposa
7. Desert mariposa
8. Soaptree yucca
9. Joshua-tree
10. Torrey yucca
11. Giant yucca
12. Sacahuista
13. Sotol
14. Agave
15. Parry agave
16. Lechuguilla
17. Canaigre
18. Trailing-four-o’clock
19. Sand-verbena
20. Mexican goldpoppy
21. Pricklepoppy
22. Evening-primrose
23. Spectaclepod
24. Bladderpod
25. Western-wallflower
26. False-mesquite
27. Catclaw-acacia
28. Mescat-acacia
29. Honey mesquite
30. Senna
31. Blue palo-verde
32. Bird-of-Paradise-flower
33. Lupine
34. Adonis lupine
35. Smoke-thorn
36. Dalea
37. Tesota
38. Woolly loco
39. Heron-bill
40. Creosotebush
41. Arizona-poppy
42. Desert-mallow
43. Five-stamen tamarisk
44. Yellow mentzelia
45. Rock-nettle
46. Night-blooming cereus
47. Saguaro
48. Organpipe cactus
49. Claretcup echinocereus
50. Strawberry echinocereus
51. Rainbow echinocereus
52. Yellow pitaya echinocereus
53. Barrel cactus
54. Fishhook cactus
55. Beavertail cactus
56. Engelmann pricklypear
57. Jumping cholla
58. Pencil cholla
59. Whipple cholla
60. Walkingstick cholla
61. Evening-primrose
62. Ocotillo
63. Field bind-weed
64. Santa Fe phlox
65. Starflower
66. Phacelia
67. Nama
68. Buffalobur
69. Silverleaf nightshade
70. Sacred datura
71. Tree tobacco
72. Ceniza
73. Desert beardtongue
74. Palmer penstemon
75. Paintbrush
76. Owl-clover
77. Desert-willow
78. Trumpet-bush
79. Louisiana broomrape
80. Coyote-melon
81. Snake-weed
82. Desertstar
83. Mohave aster
84. Fleabane
85. Broom baccharis
86. Desert zinnia
87. Brittle-bush
88. Silverleaf enceliopsis
89. Crown-beard
90. Douglas coreopsis
91. Paperflower
92. Desert baileya
93. Goldfields
94. Chaenactis
95. Douglas groundsel
96. New Mexico thistle
97. Desert dandelion
98. Malacothryx
99. White cupfruit
100. Prickly sowthistle
Suggestions for Additional Reading
Transcriber’s Notes
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