Ian Randle Publishers
Ringtones of Opportunity: Policy, Technology and Access in Caribbean Communications
Hopeton S. Dunn
Ringtones of Opportunity: Policy, Technology and Access in Caribbean Communications
US$ 9.99
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This multi-authored volume is one of the first books to present scholarly research on the liberating opportunities offered by information and communications technologies in the Caribbean and the global south. While acknowledging challenges of policy implementation and technology adaptation, the book nevertheless identifies a range of empowering development options in media literacy, e-fisheries, m-banking, mobile telephony, m-agriculture, tele-working, techno-driven environmental strategies and intellectual property reforms.

More broadly, this volume explores the region’s pre-liberalization challenges and the ups and downs of post-liberalization mobile competition in Caribbean telecommunications. While contemplating the ever present risks of a return to monopoly conditions in some mobile markets, the volume points to the real benefits achieved in customer satisfaction and business value-creation from the pervasive ‘talk’ technologies. It points to the even greater potential that resides in deploying broadband wireless technologies and ‘smart’ ICT applications for development within a regional framework of continuing investment promotion, digital transition, creative policymaking, and in the seeming paradox of ‘flexible but firm’ industry regulation.

Ringtones of Opportunity: Policy, Technology and Access in Caribbean Communications is a ‘must read’ for those in search of new approaches to technology-assisted economic development. This book will be especially useful to regional and global thought leaders in ICTs, as well as to researchers, investors, service providers, government policymakers and students in a wide range of development disciplines.

Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Section 1: Strategic Issues
1. Caribbean ICTs: Strategic Issues, Challenges and Opportunities
2. Revisiting Communications Policy in South Africa and the Global South
3. Re-thinking ICT Policymaking in the Caribbean: A Decision-Making Framework for the Twenty-First Century
Section II: ICT Applications and Society
4. Information Literacies and Educational Technologies: New Opportunities, New Challenges
5. Building Community Access – Cybercentres and the Development Challenge in the Caribbean
6. Contemplating Mobile Applications for Small-Scale Fisheries in Trinidad and Tobago
7. ICTs and Agriculture in Jamaica: Exploring the Possibilities of ‘M’
8. Mobility and Work: Telework and Employment Relations in the English-Speaking Caribbean
Online Deliberation and Decision-Making: Case Studies of Selected Regional Civil Society Organizations in the Caribbean
Section III: Legal and Environmental Issues
10. Legal Issues in Telecommunications Interconnection
11. Intellectual Property Rights and Caribbean ICT Industries: The Case for Reform
12. Legislating Cybercrimes in Jamaica: Issues of Public and Corporate Liability
13. ICTs and the Environment
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