The University of the West Indies Press
The Haunted Tropics
Martin Munro
Literature & Fiction
The Haunted Tropics
US$ 9.99
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“Every island of the Caribbean is the site of a deep haunting. Before Columbus, the various indigenous peoples – the Arawaks, the Caribs, the Tainos – lived in relative harmony with the land, the sea and each other. Everything changed in 1492: the Amerindian people quickly were decimated, their presence erased by disease, wars and overwork. These are the Caribbean’s oldest ghosts, almost invisible in history yet still present in the form of place names, fragments of language, ancient foods, and pockets of descendants speckling the islands. . . .

“Given the history of the Caribbean, it is not surprising that much of the region’s literature bears a haunted quality: ghosts are everywhere, be they of the Amerindians, the African ancestors, the slaves, the planters, the indentured workers, the victims of dictatorships, foreign invasions and natural disasters, or the modern exiles. To a large extent, Caribbean fiction in general is a collection of ghost stories, tales of haunted people, memories and places. . . .

“This book brings together some of the region’s leading contemporary authors, from the anglophone, francophone and hispanophone Caribbean, as well as the United States and

Canada, and constitutes a unique, transcultural anthology in which living authors evoke the dead, the undead and the dying, the ghosts that haunt their experiences and their works as modern writers of the Caribbean.”

—From the introduction by Martin Munro

CONTRIBUTORS: Madison Smartt Bell, Maryse Condé, Fred D’Aguiar, Roberto Fernandez, Keith Jardim, Helen Klonaris, Earl Lovelace, Shani Mootoo, Geoffrey Philp, Alake Pilgrim,Giséle Pineau, Patricia Powell, Lawrence Scott, Marvin Victor, Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw

MARTIN MUNRO is Winthrop-King Professor of French and Francophone Studies and Director of the Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. His publications include Different Drummers: Rhythm and Race in the Americas and Writing on the Fault Line: Haitian Literature and the Earthquake of 2010.

The Haunted Caribbean
Martin Munro
The Haunted Caribbean
Martin Munro
The Obeahman, Obeahed
Maryse Condé
The Obeahman, Obeahed
Maryse Condé
Dawn of the Dread
Geoffrey Philp
Dawn of the Dread
Geoffrey Philp
Patricia Powell
Patricia Powell
Ghost Children
Helen Klonaris
Ghost Children
Helen Klonaris
The Voyage of the
The Voyage of the
Gisèle Pineau
Gisèle Pineau
The Wedding Photograph
Lawrence Scott
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Fred D’Aguiar
Fred D’Aguiar
The Bonnaire Silk
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Cotton Tree
Shani Mootoo
Cotton Tree
Shani Mootoo
Roberto Fernandez
Roberto Fernandez
Gros Islet
Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw
Gros Islet
Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw
Blue Crabs
Alake Pilgrim
Blue Crabs
Alake Pilgrim
Flavius and Wasa
Earl Lovelace
Flavius and Wasa
Earl Lovelace
Madison Smartt Bell
Madison Smartt Bell
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Daisy Powell
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Daisy Powell
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