Oxford University Press
Psychology A Level Year 2: Revision Guide for AQA
Mike Cardwell, Rachel Moody
Psychology A Level Year 2: Revision Guide for AQA
US$ 26.49
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Matched to our bestselling and trusted The Complete Companions Student Books, and AQA's A Level examination requirements this Revision Guide has been written and reviewed by examiners, providing you with clear, focused coverage of everything you need to know so you can approach your exams confident of success.
Recap key AO1 knowledge and AO3 discussion/evaluation points with just the right amount of information for each topic to consolidate your knowledge and understanding. Apply what you know with targeted revision activities that rehearse key examination skills and guide you through answering every question type you might face. Review and track revision with suggested consolidation activities to embed your learning. Perfect for use alongside the Student Book or as a stand-alone resource for independent revision, this colourful Revision Guide helps you Recap, Apply, Review and ultimately Succeed at A Level Psychology.
Other titles include: The Complete Companions: A Level Year 1 and AS Psychology Revision Guide for AQA, The Complete Companions: A Level Year 1 and AS Psychology Student Book, The Complete Companions: A Level Year 2 Psychology Student Book, The Complete Companions: A Level Year 1 and AS Psychology: Paper 1 Exam Workbook for AQA, The Complete Companions: A Level Year 1 and AS Psychology: Paper 2 Exam Workbook for AQA. Workbooks supporting A Level Paper 3 optional topics also available.

Chapter 1 Research methods
Content analysis
Case studies
Features of science
Statistical tests
Non-parametric tests of difference
Parametric tests of difference
Tests of correlation
Chi-squared test (X2)
Reporting investigations
Chapter 2 Issues and debates
Gender in psychology: Gender bias
Culture in psychology: Cultural bias
Free will and determinism
The nature-nurture debate
Holism and reductionism
Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to psychological investigation
Ethical implications of research studies and theory
Chapter 3 Relationships
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences
Physical attractiveness
Attraction: Filter theory
Social exchange theory
Equity theory
The investment model of relationships
Relationship breakdown
Virtual relationships in social media
Parasocial relationships
Chapter 4 Gender
Sex-role stereotypes and androgyny
The role of chromosomes and hormones in sex and gender
Cognitive explanations of gender development: Kohlberg’s theory
Cognitive explanations of gender development: Gender schema theory
Psychodynamic explanation of gender development
Social learning theory as applied to gender development
Cultural and media influences on gender roles
Atypical gender development
Chapter 5 Cognition and development
Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
Piaget’s stages of intellectual development
Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development
Baillargeon’s explanation of early infant abilities
The development of social cognition: Selman’s theory
The development of social cognition: Theory of mind
The development of social cognition: The mirror neuron system
Chapter 6 Schizophrenia
Classification of schizophrenia
Reliability and validity in diagnosis and classification
Biological explanations for schizophrenia
Psychological explanations for schizophrenia
Drug therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Family therapy
Token economy and the management of schizophrenia
An interactionist approach
Chapter 7 Eating behaviour
The evolutionary explanation for food preferences
The role of learning in food preference
Neural and hormonal mechanisms
Biological explanations for anorexia nervosa
Family systems theory and anorexia nervosa
Social learning theory and anorexia nervosa
Cognitive theory and anorexia nervosa
Biological explanations for obesity
Psychological explanations for obesity
Explanations for the success and failure of dieting
Chapter 8 Stress
The physiology of stress
The role of stress in illness
Sources of stress: Life changes
Sources of stress: Daily hassles
Sources of stress: Workplace stress
Measuring stress: Self-report scales and physiological measures
Individual differences in stress: Personality
Individual differences in stress: Hardiness
Managing and coping with stress: Drug therapies
Managing and coping with stress: Stress inoculation therapy
Managing and coping with stress: Biofeedback
Gender differences in coping with stress
The role of social support in coping with stress
Chapter 9 Aggression
Neural and hormonal influences
Genetic factors in aggression
The ethological explanation of aggression
Evolutionary explanations of human aggression
The frustration-aggression hypothesis
Social learning theory
Institutional aggression in prisons
Media influences on aggression
Explanations of media influences
Chapter 10 Forensic psychology
Defining and measuring crime
Offender profiling: The top-down approach
Offender profiling: The bottom-up approach
Biological explanations of offending behaviour: A historical approach
Biological explanations of offending behaviour: Genetic and neural
Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: Eysenck’s theory
Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: Cognitive
Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: Differential association
Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: Psychodynamic
Dealing with offending behaviour: Custodial sentencing and recidivism
Dealing with offending behaviour: Behaviour modification in custody
Dealing with offending behaviour: Anger management
Dealing with offending behaviour: Restorative justice programmes
Chapter 11 Addiction
Describing addiction
Risk factors: Genetics, stress and personality
Risk factors: Family influences and peers
Explanations for nicotine addiction: Brain neurochemistry
Explanations for nicotine addiction: Learning theory
Explanations for gambling addiction: Learning theory
Explanations for gambling addiction: Cognitive theory
Reducing addiction: Drug therapy
Reducing addiction: Behavioural interventions
Reducing addiction: Cognitive behavioural therapy
The theory of planned behaviour
Prochaska’s six-stage model of behaviour change
Appendix: The examinations
Training yourself to be an examiner
Activities: Suggested answers
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