Teaching Ethics in Organ Transplantation and Tissue Donation
Silke Schicktanz
Teaching Ethics in Organ Transplantation and Tissue Donation

Organ transplantation is a thrilling new option for modern surgery giving hope for chronically ill patients, and, at the same time, stirring controversial ethical questions on human identity and the meaning of the human body. Being a global and transnational endeavor, organ transplantation raises universal ethical concerns and, yet, has to be adapted to culturally mediated believes. In this book, 30 case studies collected from all over the world illustrate the range of global and local, ethical, social, and cultural problems associated with this new form of treatment. Together with a list of relevant movies, the collection provides a unique resource for ethics education in medicine, health care, philosophy, and religious studies. The authors have completed the teaching material by a systematic introduction into the field of transplantation ethics.

Table of Content
Part A: Introduction. Silke Schicktanz, Claudia Wiesemann
Part B: Case studies. I. Case: Living kidney donation – the right to refuse
II. Case: Living liver donation and competent decision making
III. Case: Parental living kidney donation
IV. Case: Living liver donation – the right to refuse
V. Case: Living organ donation – legal limits to non-family related donations
VI. Case: Organ transplantation – mentally incompetent recipients
VII. Case: Living organ transplantation: cross-national donors
VIII. Case: Living organ donation – legal restrictions on donor-recipient-relationship
IX. Case: Samaritan donation – risk assessment and non-maleficence
X. Case: Samaritan donation – domino-paired issue of justice
XI. Case: Living kidney donation – psychological and cognitive restrictions of the donor
XII. Case: Living organ donation – socio-economic relationship between donor and recipient
XIII. Case: Living organ donation – limits of donor autonomy
XIV. Case: Living bone transplant – informed consent for donation
XV. Case: Bone marrow transplantation – mentally incompetent donor
XVI. Case: Post-mortem organ donation – cultural aspects of death and burial traditions
XVII. Case: Brain death – consent procedure
XVIII. Case: Post-mortem organ donation and religious conflicts I
XIX. Case: Post-mortem organ donation and religious conflicts II – follow the law or avoid a scandal?
XX. Case: Definition of death and cultural aspects – family’s role
XXI. Case: Conscientious objection of physicians
XXII. Case: Directed (post-mortem) donation – role of preferences for allocation
XXIII. Case: Heart-lung-transplantation – assessing high risks
XXIV. Case: Post-mortem organ donation – parental consent
XXV. Case: Xenotransplantation – human trial and informed consent
XXVI. Case: Organ trade – post-surgical follow-up treatment
XXVII. Case: Organ trade – supporting medical tourism
XXVIII. Case: Organ trade – socio-economic dependency between donor and recipient
XXIX. Case: Organ traffic – financial incentives for doctors
XXX. Case: From the perspectives of the patient – is there a right to buy a kidney from a stranger from another country?
Part C: Movies as teaching material – ethical issues in organ transplantation: Sabine Wöhlke, Silke Schicktanz
Table of movies
Literature on the use of movies for medical ethics education
Websites / open access
List of Contributors
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