Imagining Global Amsterdam
Marco de Waard
Imagining Global Amsterdam

Imagining Global Amsterdam brings together new essays on the image of Amsterdam as articulated in film, literature, art, and urban discourse, considered within the context of globalization and its impact on urban culture. Subjects include: Amsterdam’s place in global cultural memory; expressions of global consciousness in Amsterdam in the ‘Golden Age’; articulations of Amsterdam as a tolerant, multicultural, and permissive ‘global village’; and globalization’s impact ‘on the ground’ through city branding, the cultural heritage industry, and cultural production in the city.Written by an interdisciplinary team of scholars, and united by a broad humanities approach, this collection forms a multifaceted inquiry into the dynamic relationship between Amsterdam, globalization, and the urban imaginary.

Imagining Global Amsterdam gaat over het beeld van Amsterdam in film, literatuur, visuele kunst en in het moderne stedelijke discours, in het bijzonder in de context van de mondialisering. De essays gaan onder andere dieper in op Amsterdam als een lieu de mémoire van de vroeg-moderne wereldhandel. Wat betekent deze herinnering in de hedendaagse cultuur? Waarom verwijzen zo veel contemporaine films en romans naar dit verleden terug? Ook het (inter)nationale imago van Amsterdam als een multicultureel en ultra-tolerant ‘global village’ komt aan bod. Waarom is dit beeld zo persistent, en hoe heeft het zich in de loop van de laatste decennia ontwikkeld? Tot slot wordt ingegaan op de vraag hoe mondialiseringsprocessen ingrijpen in de stadscultuur, zoals in het prostitutiegebied op de Wallen en via de erfgoedindustrie. Hoe manifesteert de mondialisering zich in de stad, en welke rol speelt beeldvorming daarbij? Deze bundel vormt een rijk geschakeerd onderzoek naar de relatie tussen Amsterdam, mondialisering en stedelijke beeldvorming. Marco de Waard is als docent literatuurwetenschap verbonden aan het Amsterdam University College.

Table of Contents
1. Amsterdam and the Global Imaginary
Cultural Mobility, Global Performativity
Imagining Amsterdam, Imagining Globality
History, Culture, and Geography in a World City
Works Cited
Part I: Historicizing Global Amsterdam
2. Imagining Social Change in Early-Modern Amsterdam:Global Processes, Local Perceptions
Globalization and Global Systems in Historical Perspective
Early-Modern Ideas of Social Change
Positive Imaginaries of the Global City
Ambivalent Imaginaries of the Global City
Dystopian Imaginaries of the Global City
Works Cited
3. Amidst Unscrupulous Neighbours:Amsterdam Money and Foreign Interests in DutchPatriotic Imagery
The Amsterdam Coffer
Picturing Dutch versus Foreign Interests
The Patriots’ Economic Eyeglasses
Metropolis versus Country
Amsterdam Money and the Transnational Imagination
Works Cited
4. Visualizing Commerce and Empire: Decorating theBuilt Environment of Amsterdam
Works Cited
5. Romance and Commerce: Imagining GlobalAmsterdam in the Contemporary Historical Novel
Gambling, Speculation, Heritage
Fictional Gambles and Other Risky Endeavours
The Painterly Novel and the Heritage Business
A Baroque Universe: Stephenson, Finance, Systems
Works Cited
6. Dutch Decline Redux: Remembering New Amsterdamin the Global and Cosmopolitan Novel
‘Signs of Autumn’
Cosmopolitanism, Authorship, and Literary Form
Netherland: Tracing Memories of New Amsterdam
The Thousand Autumns: Remembering Dejima and the Spectre of ‘DutchDecline’
Conclusion: Towards a ‘Memory of the Global Past’?
Works Cited
Part II: Amsterdam Global Village: (Inter)NationalImaginings
7. Form, Punch, Caress: Johan van der Keuken’s GlobalAmsterdam
Form: Cramped Spaces, Cramped Minds
Punch: Global Parallels
Caress: The World Nearby
Works Cited
8. Rembrandt on Screen: Art Cinema, Cultural Heritage,and the Museumization of Urban Space
‘Rembrandt 400’ as Global Mega-Event
‘Rembrandt 400’ and the Museumization of Urban Space
Peter Greenaway’s Rembrandt Films and the Idea of Public Art
A Spatial History of the Rembrandt Biopic
Conclusion: Places into Non-Places
Works Cited
9. Imagining a Global Village: Amsterdam in Janwillemvan de Wetering’s Detective Fiction
The City as Palimpsest
Heroin Heaven and Anarchy
Imagining Multicultural Amsterdam
Works Cited
10. Amsterdam, City of Sirens: On Hafid Bouazza’sShort Story ‘Apolline’
Cultural Re-Education
Two Melancholy Monologues
Alternative Vision
Textual Play
Works Cited
Part III: Global Amsterdam’s Cultural Geography
11. Amsterdam and/as New Babylon:Urban Modernity’s Contested Trajectories
New Babylon: Ambivalent Utopia?
New Babylon as Metaphor for Amsterdam Today: Heterotopias of Freedomand Containment
New Babylon as Dystopia: Zuidas and the Globalization of Amsterdam
Works Cited
12. Amsterdam’s Architectural Image from Early-Modern Print Series to Global Heritage Discourse
Images of the City and Their Uses
Mapping Amsterdam
The Atlas Fouquet
The Grachtenboek
The Grachtenboek Rediscovered
The Concept of the Grachtengordel
Architecture and Image
Works Cited
13. Amsterdam Memorials, Multiculturalism, and theDebate on Dutch Identity
The Liberation of Amsterdam
New Monuments for Amsterdam
New Population Groups, Old Strategies
The Return of Anti-Semitism
Works Cited
14. Graphic Design, Globalization, and Placemaking inthe Neighbourhoods of Amsterdam
The I amsterdam Campaign, Placemaking, and Graphic Design
Placemaking and Globalization: The Case of De Pijp
Conclusion: Place as Process and Event
Works Cited
15. A Global Red-Light City? Prostitution in Amsterdamas a Real-and-Imagined Place
A Genealogy of Amsterdam Prostitution as Global, Real and Imagined
Amsterdam’s Imagined Moral Geography: Historical Roots and Shifts
Trying to Control the Uncontrollable: Legalizing Prostitution and Plan 1012
New Control Efforts in the Globalized Red Light District
Ravaged Prostitutes and Outperformed Amsterdam
Works Cited
16. Global Eros in Amsterdam: Religion, Sex, Politics
A Story
A Second Story
Works Cited
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