Docker Jumpstart
Andrew Odewahn
Docker Jumpstart

Docker is a tool for packaging and shipping apps. Based on the idea of a shipping container, it provides a standardized way for developers or system administrators to create lightweight images, or collections of images, for each element of an application, and then easily and quickly deploy the image. Since the image is standardized, it can be uniformly deployed on development or production, leading to a much simpler workflow, faster development time for the dev team, and lower management overhead for the ops team.

This guide introduces the key ideas you'll use again and again in Docker, such as images, layers, containers, commits, tags, and so forth.

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Table of Contents
Using boot2docker to run Docker on a Mac or Windows
Install boot2docker
boot2docker Quick Reference
Opening a port with VirtualBox
Images: Layered filesystems
Containers: Running instances of an Image
Docker RUN Quick Reference
Building images with Dockerfiles
Example of building an image from a Dockerfile
Dockerfiles vs. Infrastructure Automation (IA)
Creating your own Docker Image
Start the “simple_flask” container
Install the dependencies
Install our code
View the flask app on your host machine
Cleaning up
Sharing images on Docker Hub
Create an account
Searching for images
Pulling an image
Pushing an Image
Additional Resources
Sites, Blogs, and Books
Other tools in the Docker ecosystem
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