News Networks in Early Modern Europe
Joad Raymond (editor)
News Networks in Early Modern Europe

News Networks in Early Modern Europe attempts to redraw the history of European news communication in the 16th and 17th centuries. News is defined partly by movement and circulation, yet histories of news have been written overwhelmingly within national contexts. This volume of essays explores the notion that early modern European news, in all its manifestations – manuscript, print, and oral – is fundamentally transnational.

These 37 essays investigate the language, infrastructure, and circulation of news across Europe. They range from the 15th to the 18th centuries, and from the Ottoman Empire to the Americas, focussing on the mechanisms of transmission, the organisation of networks, the spread of forms and modes of news communication, and the effects of their translation into new locales and languages.

Print edition available from Brill Academic

News Networks in Early Modern Europe
List of Figures and Tables
Places and Dates
Abbreviations and Other Conventions
Notes on Contributors
1: News Networks in Early Modern Europe
PART 1: Networks
2: European Postal Networks
3: The Lexicons of Early Modern News
4: News Networks: Putting the ‘News’ and ‘Networks’ Back in
5: Maps versus Networks
6: International News Flows in the Seventeenth Century: Problems and Prospects
7: The Papal Network: How the Roman Curia Was Informed about South-Eastern Europe, the Ottoman Empire and the Mediterranean (1645–1669)
8: The Iberian Position in European News Networks: A Methodological Approach
9: Mapping the Fuggerzeitungen: The Geographical Issues of an Information Network
PART 2: Modes
10: The History of a Word: Gazzetta / Gazette
11: International Relations: Spanish, Italian, French, English and German Printed Single Event Newsletters Prior to Renaudot’s Gazette
12: War News in Early Modern Milan: The Birth and the Shaping of Printed News Pamphlets
13: Elizabethan Diplomatic Networks and the Spread of News
14: Time in English Translations of Continental News
15: Cartography, War Correspondence and News Publishing: The Early Career of Nicolaes van Geelkercken, 1610–1630
16: News Exchange and Social Distinction
17: ‘Newes also came by Letters’: Functions and Features of Epistolary News in English News Publications of the Seventeenth Century
18: ‘My Friend the Gazetier’: Diplomacy and News in Seventeenth-Century Europe
19: Intelligence Offices in the Habsburg Monarchy
20: Authors, Editors and Newsmongers: Form and Genre in the Philosophical Transactions under Henry Oldenburg
PART 3: Studies
21: News from the New World: Spain’s Monopoly in the European Network of Handwritten Newsletters during the Sixteenth Century
22: The Prince of Transylvania: Spanish News of the War against the Turks, 1595–1600
23: ‘Fishing after News’ and the Ars Apodemica: The Intelligencing Role of the Educational Traveller in the Late Sixteenth Century
24: ‘It is No Time Now to Enquire of Forraine Occurrents’: Plague, War, and Rumour in the Letters of Joseph Mead, 1625
25: ‘Our Valiant Dunkirk Romans’: Glorifying the Habsburg War at Sea, 1622–1629
26: A Sense of Europe: The Making of this Continent in Early Modern Dutch News Media
27: The Hinterland of the Newsletter: Handling Information in Space and Time
28: ‘We have been Informed that the French are Carrying Desolation Everywhere’: The Desolation of the Palatinate as a European News Event
29: Promoting the Catholic Cause on the Italian Peninsula: Printed Avvisi on the Dutch Revolt and the French Wars of Religion, 1562–1600
30: The Acquisition and Handling of News on the French Wars of Religion: The Case of Hermann Weinsberg
31: ‘Secret and Uncertain’: A History of Avvisi at the Court of the Medici Grand Dukes
32: Words on the Street: Selling Small Printed ‘Things’ in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Venice
33: Natural Disasters and the European Printed News Network
34: The ‘Trouble of Naples’ in the Political Information Arena of the English Revolution
35: Public and Secret Networks of News: The Declaration of War of the Turks against the Empire in 1683
36: From Vienna, Prague or Poland? The Effects of Changing Reporting Patterns on the Ceremonial News of Transylvania, 1619–58
37: The Venetian News Network in the Early Sixteenth Century: The Battle of Chaldiran
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