The quest for a deeper meaning of research support
R. Raju
The quest for a deeper meaning of research support

The quest for a deeper meaning of research support is advanced on the principle that librarians need to make the paradigm shift away from reactive ‘disseminators’ of information to proactive partners in the research and teaching and learning processes. The expansion of the suite of research support services such as bibliometrics, systematic reviews, data management, digital preservation and curation, Open Access and open access publishing have moved the librarian from the periphery to the epicenter of research support. This transition is viewed by many as revolutionary in terms of support for research production at high education, as the librarians engage the principle of being a research partner or collaborator.

Book cover
Preliminary pages final
Jill Claassen (Scholarly Communication and Publishing Manager, UCT Libraries)
1 One Ellen Tise final
2 Two Pietersen J Raju J final
3 Three Namuleme-Namaganda final
4 Four Lorraine Haricombe final
Tenopir, C., Sandusky, R., Allard, S. and Birch, B., 2013. Academic librarians and research data services: preparation and attitudes. IFLA Journal, 39(1) 70-78.
5 Five Mike Berrintton final
6 Six Notice Pasipamire final
7 Seven Jayshree Mamtora final
Of the 36 libraries, all except one (35, 97%) provided descriptive information about how bibliometric indicators, such as the h-index, the JIF, and the SJR, were used. Only two libraries (6%) did not provide information about how these indicators work...
The data relating to the availability and visibility of research impact support services being offered by the university libraries were analysed to determine the extent and types of services that the libraries have incorporated into their support for ...
Use of metrics in institutional repositories
Discussion of findings
8 Eight Charlotte Beck final
 Seek the guidance of a local healthcare librarian or information specialist, where possible one with experience of conducting searches for systematic reviews (Higgins & Green 2011:
 Standard 3.1.1– Work with a librarian or other information specialist trained in performing systematic reviews to plan the search strategy.
 Standard 3.1.3 – Use an independent librarian or other information specialist to peer review the search strategy (Eden 2011: 8).
 Librarian involvement in the initial stages of the process, including reading the background materials that are prepared as the topic is developed, is an essential first step to understanding the key questions and crafting a pilot search (Relevo & B...
 Your team should have the required skills for each area of the project. It is strongly recommended that each team includes an expert in the content area(s) covered by the synthesis, an expert in synthesis methods and an information scientist or libr...
9 Matthew final
10 Shore IFLA 2015- Shore Shearer-final
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