Commercialised History: Popular History Magazines in Europe
Susanne Popp
Commercialised History: Popular History Magazines in Europe

This volume of essays is the result of the EU project «EHISTO», which dealt with the mediation of history in popular history magazines and explored how history in the commercialised mass media can be used in history teaching in order to develop the media literacy and the transcultural competences of young people. The volume offers articles which for the first time address the phenomenon of popular history magazines in Europe and their mediating strategies in a foundational way. The articles are intended as introductory material for teachers and student teachers. The topic also offers an innovative approach in terms of making possible a European cross-country comparison, in which results based on qualitative and quantitative methods are presented, related to the content focus areas profiled in the national magazines.

Table of contents
EHISTO – European History Crossroads as pathways to intercultural and media education. A report about the EU project (2012–2014) (Jutta Schumann/Susanne Popp/Miriam Hannig)
1. Prehistory of the project – current state of research and basic considerations
1.1 Popular history magazines as a research object
1.2 European History Crossroads
1.3 The linkage of media-critical competences with intercultural competences
2. Objectives and project implementation
2.1 Objectives of the EHISTO project
2.2 Implementation of the project
3. The central results of the project: Learning Objects, initial teacher training module and in-service teacher training course
3.1 The Learning Objects (LOs with teacher manual)
3.1.1 Basic information about the LOs on World War One
3.1.2 Basic Information about the LOs on Columbus
3.2 Initial teacher training and further teacher training
4. The long-term practical implementation of the project results
Popular history magazines between transmission of knowledge and entertainment – some theoretical remarks (Susanne Popp)
1. Introduction
2. Popular history magazines
3. The ‘popular’ dimension of popular history magazines
4. Some characteristics of the magazines’ construction of history
5. Popular history magazines from the point of view of history didactics
6. Prospects for further research
Bygone news. The journalistic formatting of history (Fabio Crivellari)
1. Introduction
2. The economy of history
3. History and event
4. Journalism and event
5. Forms of presentation in history magazines
6. Duplicated event constitution
7. Conclusion
Popular historical writing from a narratological perspective (Stephan Jaeger)
1. Introduction
2. On the narrativity of popular historical writing
3. On the narrativity of history magazines
4. On the narrativity of TV documentaries
5. On the narrativity of historical museums
6. Possible narratological consequences for popular historical writing
Why Napoleon is exciting time after time: media logics and history (Susanne Kinnebrock)
1. Media logics
1.1 News factors
1.2 Framing
1.3 Narrative logics: narrativity factors
1.4. Summary media logics
2. Topicality
3. Conclusion
Popular knowledge communication in history magazines from a receptional psychology point of view (Manuela Glaser)
1. Structure of history magazines
2. Entertaining elements in history magazines
2.1 Dramatisation
2.2 Emotionalisation
2.3 Personalisation and present-day relevance
2.4 Fictionalisation
3. History specific reception
4. Research outlook: Hybrid processing and affective aspects of the reception of historical content
The function and use of image documents in German popular history magazines (Michael Wobring)
1. The relevance of the visual design of popular scientific magazines
2. Recording and analysing the picture inventory of popular scientific history magazines
3. Comparative considerations on the image inventory and on the culture of the use of image documents
4. The effects of the magazine structure on the use of images
The use of history in popular history magazines. A theoretical approach (Marianne Sjöland)
1. The Presence of History
2. Formation of Historical Culture Through History
3. The Medieval Crusades in History Magazines
4. Summary and Conclusions
Popular history magazines in Germany (Claudius Springkart)
1. History magazines in Germany: crisis or boom?
2. The current range of popular history magazines
2.1 Inception and frequency of publication of popular history magazines
2.2 Sales price and size of the issue
2.3 History in very-special-interest magazines
2.4 The seal of ‘popular scientific’ as a collective whole with nuances
3. The results of the cover page analysis
3.1 The category ‘time’
3.2 The category ‘place’
3.2.1 Continents or major areas
3.2.2 Countries within Europe
3.3 The category ‘topic’
3.4 The category ‘title’
3.5 The category ‘pictures’
4. Conclusion
History magazines in the UK (Terry Haydn)
1. Background: Media history culture in the UK
2. Research approach
3. A survey of various types of history magazine in the UK
3.1 History magazines in the field of ‘hobby’ and ‘leisure’
3.2 Particular ‘strands’ of history
3.3 ‘Heritage’ magazines
3.4 Magazines on family history and genealogy
3.5 History education magazines
3.6 General interest history magazines
4. How do British history magazines sell ‘history’?
4.1 Estimates on the part of the editors
4.2 The results of the front cover analysis
5. The influence and impact of history magazines in the UK
The use of powerful men, naked women and war to sell. Popular history magazines in Sweden (Monika Vinterek)
1. Introduction
2. Overview of the popular history magazine market in Sweden
2.1 Popular History Magazines in Sweden
2.2 The magazines’ presentations of themselves
2.3 Summary and interpretation of the magazines’ presentations of themselves
3. Title page analysis
3.1 Aims and method: selection of the studied magazines – criteria and categories
3.2 The design of the front cover (text and pictures)
3.3 The category ‘time’
3.4 The category ‘place’
3.5 The category ‘topic’
3.6 Personalities and men and women on the front cover
4. Evaluation and interpretation of the front cover page analysis
5. Conclusion and discussion
Perpetrators, victims, heroes – the Second World War and National Socialism in Danish history magazines (Katja Gorbahn)
2. Analysis
2.1 Perpetrators
2.2 Heroes
2.3 Victims
3. Discussion of the results
Popular history magazines between information and entertainment. A qualitative study on the expectations of consumers (Miriam Hannig)
1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Results
3.1 Consumer behaviour: when and where are popular history magazines bought?
3.2 Preferred topics: which topics are favoured in popular history magazines?
3.3 Exemplary comparison of the magazines on the same topic: how are the different magazines seen?
3.4 Very-special-interest magazines: are ideological subtexts expected?
3.5 Brazilian history magazines: ‘childish’ or different viewing habits?
3.6 To what extent do the ‘history groups’ think that their expectations of popular history magazines are different from the expectations of the broad readership?
3.7 After the reading or what happens to the magazines after they have been read?
3.8 History magazines in school: potential and limits
4. Desiderata and prospects
Using popular history magazines in history teaching: a case study (Terry Haydn)
Context of the case study
The aims of the case study
Research approach
Conclusions and lessons learned
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