The First World War and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914-1918
Manfried Rauchensteiner
The First World War and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914-1918

The origins of World War I were different and varied. But it was Austria-Hungary which unleashed the war. After more than four years the Habsburg Monarchy was defeated and ended as a failed state.

Die Ursachen des Ersten Weltkriegs sind vielfältig. Die Entfesselung des Kriegs geschah jedoch durch Österreich-Ungarn. Nach mehr als vier Jahren zerfiel die Habsburgermonarchie als Folge innerer Auflösung und der militärischen Niederlage.

The First World War
ISBN 978-3-205-79588-9 Web-Link zur Buchdetailseite der Printausgabe
1 On the Eve
The Ballhausplatz and the Deficit of War
The Powder Keg
The Socialisation of Violence
Poor State, Wealthy Businesses
2 Two Million Men for the War
Dual Alliance and Triple Alliance
The Military Accords
Pre-emptive War: Yes or No?
3 Bloody Sundays
The Assassination
The Shock
The July Crisis
4 Unleashing the War
Franz Joseph I
The Calm before the Storm
The ‘Skirmish’ near Temes-Kubin
Salvation through War
The First Shot
An Empire Mobilises
5 ‘Thank God, this is the Great War!’
Deployment in Echelons and Packets
Archduke ‘Fritzl’ Goes to the Front
The Mounted Engagement at Jarosławice
The Initial Campaigns
6 Adjusting to a Longer War
The War Economy Dominates Everyday Life
Wounded, Sick and Dead
The Home Front Becomes a Fortress
Official Announcements
The Death of General Wodniansky
7 The End of the Euphoria
The Fortress on the San
Fleet in Being
In the Shadow of the Gallows
Belgrade and the Failure in the Balkans
8 The First Winter of the War
On the War’s Objectives
Death in the Carpathians
9 Under Surveillance
Of Heroes and Cowards
The Prague ‘House Regiment’
10 ‘The King of Italy has declared war on Me’
‘Sacro egoismo’
The Treaty of London
The Final Offer
11 The Third Front
The Pre-emption
On the Isonzo and in the Sette Comuni
The War of Attrition
12 Factory War and Domestic Front, 1915
Being a Soldier and the Burden of Work
The Army High Command and Domestic Policy
Soldier Games  ?
The Attempt to Topple Stürgkh
13 Summer Battle and ‘Autumn Swine’
On the Priority of the Theatres of War
The ‘Black-Yellow’ Offensive
The Fourth Offensive against Serbia
14 War Aims and Central Europe
The Salonika Problem
Winter War in Russia and Montenegro
The Central Powers and Central Europe
The Vision of Peace with Victory
15 South Tyrol  : The End of an Illusion (I)
The Easter Demands
The ‘Punitive Expedition’ is Prepared
The Attack
16 Lutsk  : The End of an Illusion (II)
The Brusilov Offensive
The Hindenburg Front
Poison Gas
The ‘Joint Supreme War Command’
17 How is a War Financed  ?
The Search for the Nervus Rerum
The War Bonds
The Raging of the Banknote Presses
18 The Nameless
The Peace Campaign of the Central Powers
Hohenzollern against Habsburg
On the Convention of the Austrian Parliament
Count Karl Stürgkh (1859–1916)
19 The Death of the Old Emperor
Obituary for the Father Figure
The Geriatric Circle
The Military Chancellery of His Majesty
The Heir to the Throne
The Will
20 Emperor Karl
The Master’s New Servants
The Hindenburg Programme
From Koerber to Clam-Martinic
Famine and Coronation
21 The Writing on the Wall
The Victory over Romania
Steps towards Peace
The Unrestricted Submarine War
The Conrad Crisis
22 The Consequences of the Russian February Revolution
Strategic Harmony
The Fall of the Tsar
Peace without Annexations and Contributions
Workers of the world, unite!
The Reopening of the Reichsrat
23 Summer 1917
Clam-Martinic Faces Defeat
The System Eats its Own Children
The Military Administration in the Occupied Territories
Tisza’s Fall
24 Kerensky Offensive and Peace Efforts
The Naval Victory in the Strait of Otranto
The ‘Hand of the Child’
The Czech Legion
A German General on the Danube Monarchy
Peace Feelers
25 The Pyrrhic Victory  : The Breakthrough Battle of Flitsch-Tolmein
The Fortress Syndrome
Operation ‘Loyalty to Arms’
War against the USA
26 Camps
Strangers in the Homeland
The Internees
On Ivans, Serbs and Wops
Siberian Clarity
27 Peace Feelers in the Shadow of Brest-Litovsk
The Russian October Revolution
New Discussions in Switzerland
Poland Again
The Turn of the Year, 1918
The Negotiations in Brest
Wilson’s Fourteen Points
28 The Inner Front
The January Strikes
Continuation in Brest
The ‘Bread Peace’
29 The June Battle in Veneto
The ‘Parma Conspiracy’
The Collapse of the Armaments Industry
The Idea for a Final Offensive
The Alliance of Arms
The Attack
30 An Empire Resigns
Brigadier von Bolzano is Missing
Four Million Heroes
The Army Disintegrates
31 The Twilight Empire
The Judgement of Austria-Hungary’s Final Offensive
The Penultimate Cabinet of Habsburg Austria
The Radicals Set the Agenda
Austro-Hungarian Troops on the Western Front
D’Annunzio over Vienna
The Sinking of the Szent István
Front and Hinterland
32 The War becomes History
The Emperor’s Manifesto
The Dissolution Begins
The Attack by the Allies
The Armistice of Villa Giusti
The Last Army Supreme Commander
Te Deum Laudamus
Acknowledgements and Dedication
Selected Printed Sources and Literature
Index of People and Places
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